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Error message:

The package at "node_modulesconsole-testing-librarydistpure.js" attempted to import the Node standard library module "console".
It failed because the native React runtime does not include the Node standard library.

I have a basic React-Native app using Expo and React. I just can’t seem to get around this error though.

I tried using Jest.js instead of the console testing library but didn’t seem to work and have no idea how to get around it.



  1. The error means that the library you are using is not designed to work with React Native because the library console-testing-library requires a node.js environment while React Native is not a node.js environment.

    Jest is compatible with React Native based on the official documentation.

    Maybe if you provide more code with jest, I could help you.

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  2. 1-Certainly! React is a JavaScript library used mainly for building user interfaces on web applications. Unlike Node.js, which is a separate runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside the browser, React doesn’t include or rely on Node.js’s standard library.

    2-Node.js provides a platform for running JavaScript on the server-side and includes its own set of functionalities like file system operations and networking. React, however, is focused on the presentation layer and doesn’t directly interact with Node.js’s standard library.

    3-While React can be used on both the client-side (in the browser) and server-side (with frameworks like Next.js), it doesn’t depend on Node.js for its core functionality. React applications usually run within the context of a web browser or with server-side JavaScript frameworks, rather than within Node.js itself.

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