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import json

response_message = {
    'id': 'chatcmpl-9Iof6Uwf74o9N6uKsyxIVMFFIDJYC',
    'object': 'chat.completion',
    'created': 1714271676,
    'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125',
    'choices': [
            'index': 0,
            'message': {
                'role': 'assistant',
                'content': 'sfsdfs {n "plant": {n "light blocker": 1,n "give water": 0,n "spray water": 0,n "conditions": {n "humidity (%)": 56.78,n "temperature (C)": 23.45,n "light": 1,n "soil moisture": 654n }n}netc text  n}'
            'logprobs': None,
            'finish_reason': 'stop'
    'usage': {
        'prompt_tokens': 225,
        'completion_tokens': 78,
        'total_tokens': 303
    'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3b956da36b'

# Extracting the content from the message
content = response_message['choices'][0]['message']['content']

# Remove the "etc text" from the content
cleaned_content = content.split("{n" ,1)[1]
cleaned_content = cleaned_content.split('}n',1)[0] + '}'
cleaned_content = '{n' + cleaned_content

content_json = json.loads(cleaned_content)


just want a code without error
json.loads() giving error can someone explain
i searched on google but there telling to add r""
but how can solve this error?



  1. You can add print(cleaned_content) statement right before json.loads(cleaned_content). You’ll notice that it’s missing two closing braces "}", which is why the JSON parsing results in an error.

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  2. There is invalid garbage before the first curly brace and between the 2nd and last curly brace. Use the following to generate corrected cleaned_content from content, but I suspect this isn’t the actual response:

    # Remove the invalid garbage before first { and between 2nd and last }
    first = content.index('{')
    last = content.rindex('}')
    last2 = content.rindex('}', 0, last)
    cleaned_content = content[first:last2+1] + content[last:]
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  3. During the execution of your program, it failed to produce the desired output due to an incorrect string format. I noticed a formatting error in your code: the string "cleaned_content" is missing a closing right curly brace "}". What you need to do now is to replace split with rsplit, which will eliminate the formatting error present at the last occurrence of }n in the string.And give a correction here:

    import json
    response_message = {
        'id': 'chatcmpl-9Iof6Uwf74o9N6uKsyxIVMFFIDJYC',
        'object': 'chat.completion',
        'created': 1714271676,
        'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125',
        'choices': [
                'index': 0,
                'message': {
                    'role': 'assistant',
                    'content': 'sfsdfs {n "plant": {n "light blocker": 1,n "give water": 0,n "spray water": 0,n "conditions": {n "humidity (%)": 56.78,n "temperature (C)": 23.45,n "light": 1,n "soil moisture": 654n }n}netc text  n}'
                'logprobs': None,
                'finish_reason': 'stop'
        'usage': {
            'prompt_tokens': 225,
            'completion_tokens': 78,
            'total_tokens': 303
        'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3b956da36b'
    # Extracting the content from the message
    content = response_message['choices'][0]['message']['content']
    # Remove the "etc text" from the content
    cleaned_content = content.split("{n" ,1)[1]
    cleaned_content = cleaned_content.rsplit('}n',1)[0] + '}'
    cleaned_content = '{n' + cleaned_content
    content_json = json.loads(cleaned_content)
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