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How do you trigger a E_NOTICE error in PHP8? A lot of things that used to be E_NOTICE in PHP7 has been increased in severity to E_WARNING, here are things i’ve already tried, that does not work:

echo $undefinedVar; // PHP>=8 E_WARNING
$array = [];
echo $array['undefined_key']; // PHP>=8 E_WARNING
class Test {
    public $name;
$obj = new Test();
echo $obj->age; // PHP>=8 E_WARNING
$string = "abc";
echo $string[5]; // PHP>=8 E_WARNING
compact('undefinedVar'); // PHP>=8 E_WARNING
strlen(); // PHP>=8 ArgumentCountError



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Found a way!


    will trigger E_NOTICE:

    Notice: PHP Request Startup: Argument #2 ($do_throw) has been ignored, spl_autoload_register() will always throw

  2. EDIT: Ah dang! I just read that all wrong and triggered E_WARNING instead of E_NOTICE. 🙁

    OK, best I got is:


    Not sure if that actually causes a disk read or not. Some slightly longer versions:


    This is interesting, it’s like a weird code golf problem, try to find
    the shortest code that triggers a warning.

    Using an undefined variable is a warning, so you could just do:


    Or referencing an undefined array index:


    Or both at the same time gives you two warnings:


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  3. You can always trigger error yourself using trigger_error() function.

    trigger_error("My custom notice!", E_USER_NOTICE);

    See live example:

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  4. You will find the full list of notices raised by PHP 8.3 here.

    A few examples (demo):



    Notice: session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active (started from /in/KUrgb on line 2) in /in/KUrgb on line 3
    Notice: ob_end_clean(): Failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete in /in/KUrgb on line 5
    Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID 'unknown' is invalid in /in/KUrgb on line 7
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