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When I was studying Redis for my database, I learned that ‘Zset’ means ‘Sorted Set’.
What does ‘Zset’ actually stand for? I couldn’t figure out why it also means ‘Sorted Set’.

It could be simple or too broad question, but I want to understand exactly what I learned.



  1. Sorted sets could have been named sset, but it’s unpronouncable, as well as ss has a bad connotation in Europe. So, maybe due to this, or just for fun they have chosen the zset name.

    The essence of the given name Zset stands for seriousness, thought, intuition, intent and wisdom.

    So, it is highly probable that the chosen name has little to do with technology and more with culture. This is what I can work out from the sources available, but this is only probably true. If you need factual precision, then you might want to send a message to the authors, asking them.

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  2. A similar question is asked before on Redis’s github page and the creator of Redis answered it

    Hello. Z is as in XYZ, so the idea is, sets with another dimension: the
    order. It’s a far association… I know 🙂

    • Set commands start with s
    • Hash commands start with h
    • List commands start with l
    • Sorted set commands start with z
    • Stream commands start with x
    • Hyperloglog commands start with pf
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