how to install php v8.1.8 on vscode – PHP Versions
i am using laragon php version is 8.1.8 but in vscode it is 7.4.19. image1 image2 How do I install php 8.1.8 on vscode? How do I install php 8.1.8 on vscode?
i am using laragon php version is 8.1.8 but in vscode it is 7.4.19. image1 image2 How do I install php 8.1.8 on vscode? How do I install php 8.1.8 on vscode?
I have a weird eloquent bug. In my customer_order_lines table I have two columns qty_reserve and qty_in_pick_up. Both are integer For example, in the database I have one line product_id qty_reserve qty_in_pick_up 1 4 4 In eloquent I try to…
I have a Laravel 9 project and I just uploaded this project into server. Now for this project everything works fine except the images that are coming from storage directory. For example, I tried creating and storing the captcha images…
I have a function that will first store data in a table called 'decision' and the id will be stored in another table called 'survey'. It will first check if the id already existed in the survey table and if…
I am using Guzzle 7.2 in my Laravel app. When Laravel Filemanager makes request towards Dropbox it uses Guzzle. The problem I face is that I get cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem, I have found out that Guzzle throws…
I have used the following Raw query in my Laravel project. $statisticsInRangeDate = $myModel->selectRaw( "floor(datediff(created_at, '{$dateInfo['currentRangeDate']}')". " / {$dateInfo['daysRange']}) * {$dateInfo['daysRange']} AS diff_days_range, count(*) as total_clicks, ". 'min(created_at) ,max(created_at)' ) ->groupByRaw('diff_days_range') ->orderByRaw('diff_days_range DESC') ->get(); The raw query is: select floor(datediff(created_at,…
I'm looking a solution to clear cache in Laravel, before starting all the tests (please note I mean ALL tests, not every single test): $this->artisan('cache:clear'); $this->artisan('route:clear'); $this->artisan('config:clear'); P.S. Laravel 9 and PHPUnit 9.5
I am trying to inserting data into database but, I am failing to do it. I have tried ample of videos and internet surf but not successful. My code is following I have created controller and passing request from controller…
I m trying to add a watermark to a video that I have but it's giving me this error while applying a watermark The library is installed and working with the code commented but not when trying to add watermark…
I want to create a back button in any Blade file. What is the PHP syntax that will allow me to return to the previous page without redirecting? In principle I do not know in advance the link of the…