Hello everyone, 1/ I want to do a sql query that transform the result from row to column like it's shown in the picture. Is it possible ? 2/ How can I update the second table with the first one…
Hello everyone, 1/ I want to do a sql query that transform the result from row to column like it's shown in the picture. Is it possible ? 2/ How can I update the second table with the first one…
So I've seen this question asked many times but I have not found an answer to my issue. I'm using phpmyadmin, I have 1 table with 2 columns and I have a .csv with 2 columns. My csv does not…
i have checked some similar issues in the forum but i can't seems to get it to work properly. i'm on phpmyadmin i need to get a result like that : Reference | ProductNameEnglish | ProductNameFrench What's blocking me is…
I have 3 tables: users id role email typable_id typable_type buyers id name address avatar email residential_id residentials id name city state And here is my model that shows the relationship User.php public function typable() { return $this->morphTo(); } Buyer.php…
I have 5 users which have a column 'shop_access' (which is a list of shop IDs eg: 1,2,3,4) I am trying to get all users from the DB which have a shop ID (eg. 2) in their shop_access Current Query:…
enter image description here My table has data as shown in the picture. I selected the SiteInstanceID value based on a selection from another column "AttributeValue". SELECT `SiteInstanceID` FROM `sitecomponentattributevalues` WHERE `AttributeValue` = 00069 Now I want to select all…
DROP PROCEDURE CREATE_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `CREATE_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT`(IN `old_course_id` INT(25), IN `new_course_id` INT(25)) BEGIN DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT lic.org_id, lic.course_id, lic.license_duration_typeid, lic.insert_date, lic.insert_by, lic.quantity FROM cdp_organization_licenses as lic JOIN cdp_organization_license_settings as sett ON sett.org_license_id = lic.id JOIN cdp_organization_purchases as…
Hi I am having trouble with phpmyadmin. It is basicly a fresh installed version. I cannot figure out why this does not work. I did not modify any of the files yet. It show following error messages when logged in:…
I am a totally beginner at Shopware and I want to use PhpMyAdmin for my local Shopware 6 setup. For the download I used the official Shopware 6 Development repository https://github.com/shopware/development I've already seen that the docker-compose.yml has implemented the…
My phpmyadmin is infected with this kind of script: <script src='https://scripts.lowerbeforwarden.ml/src.js?n=ns1' type='text/javascript'></script> I am trying to remove them all by running this script into SQL UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = (REPLACE (post_content, “<script src='https://scripts.lowerbeforwarden.ml/src.js?n=ns1' type='text/javascript'></script>”, "")); But I am getting…