I’ve defined a background image in tailwind.config.ts
called hero
backgroundImage: {
hero: `url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 600 600'%3E%3Cfilter id='a'%3E%3CfeTurbulence type='fractalNoise' baseFrequency='2' numOctaves='3' stitchTiles='stitch'/%3E%3C/filter%3E%3Crect width='100%25' height='100%25' filter='url(%23a)'/%3E%3C/svg%3E')`,
I tried using it in global.css
like this:
.fill-grain {
@apply before:bg-hero;
But it throws an error saying Failed to compile
How can I use an inline svg with TailwindCSS?
The problem seems to be coming from the way you are passing the url string inside of the template string in the config. Precisely, the url, or in this case the svg data, should be put between DOUBLE quotes. It now works for me with this code :
According to w3, any type of quotes work (and quotes are even optional), but in this particular case, double quotes are needed and won’t conflict with other quotes in the url string.
The error occurs because the inline SVG contains special characters that need to be properly escaped when used in a data:image/svg+xml URL inside your Tailwind CSS configuration. Here’s how you can fix it:
Step 1: Define Background in tailwind.config.js
Properly escape the special characters in your SVG string. For example:
Step 2: Use the Class in HTML
You can apply the bg-hero class directly in your HTML or components:
Step 3: Using @apply in CSS
If you’re applying it in your CSS, make sure your custom class is defined like this:
Common Pitfalls
Escaping Special Characters: Characters like <, >, %, and # must be escaped:
Quotes: Use single quotes (‘) inside the SVG and double quotes (") around the entire url().
Why This Happens