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lets say i have a table like that

id name             address                     Doc
1  {1:mark,2:john}  {1:Home,2:Work,3:Club}      {NI:299,Pass:A159}
2  {1:Max,2:Mo}     {1:Home}                    {NI:300011}

what i want is to write a qurey to select a value from cell based on the key
for example

i want the value which has key = 2 in column named(Name) where id=1

so it should return


and so on.
so how can i do something like that without using substring?



  1. Assuming you have a valid json values :

    CREATE TABLE mytable (
      id int,
      name  VARCHAR2 (200) ,          
      address VARCHAR2 (200),                    
      Doc VARCHAR2 (200),
      CONSTRAINT ensure_json CHECK (name IS JSON)
    insert into mytable 
    select 1,  '{"1":"mark","2":"john"}', '{"1":"Home","2":"Work","3":"Club"}', '{"NI":299,"Pass":"A159"}' from dual union all
    select 2,  '{"1":"Max","2":"Mo"}', '{"1":"Home"}', '{"NI":300011}' from dual

    The query can be :

    from mytable t
    where id = 1

    Demo here

    If there are only key-value values in a non-valid JSON, then:

    with cte as (
      select REGEXP_REPLACE(name,
                     '"1":"2"') as name
      from mytable t
      where id = 1
    select json_value(name, '$."2"')
    from cte

    Demo here

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  2. If your data is as shown and isn’t JSON (or quoted) then you could use regexp_substr() to find the match, with a pattern that embeds the key value you want:

    select regexp_substr(name, '({|,)' || 2 || ':(.*?)(,|})', 1, 1, null, 2) as result
    from your_table
    where id = 1

    Your script will need to supply the first 2 in the first line, and the 1 in the third line; so more generically with bind variables:

    select regexp_substr(name, '({|,)' || :p_key || ':(.*?)(,|})', 1, 1, null, 2) as result
    from your_table
    where id = :p_id

    The pattern is looking for { or ,, followed by your key value, followed by a colon :; and capturing everything up to another , or }. The other arguments are there to tell it to return the second capture group (the second 2 in that line). The first group is the ‘or’ of ({|,), and you want the second group (.*?) which is the value for that pair.

    By varying the key value you get different results; with the same column and 1:

    select regexp_substr(name, '({|,)' || 1 || ':(.*?)(,|})', 1, 1, null, 2) as result
    from your_table
    where id = 1

    And you can use the same approach with the other key/value columns.


    Of course, it would be better to store the data relationally, not as key/value pairs within a string column.

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  3. Your name column is not valid JSON so you cannot use JSON functions.

    You could use regular expressions but they are slower than simple string functions. So, even though you said you do not want to use SUBSTR, you should use SUBSTR:

    SELECT id,
           WHEN spos > 0 AND epos > 0
           THEN SUBSTR(name, spos + 3, epos - spos - 3)
           END AS name2
    FROM   (
      SELECT id,
             INSTR(TRANSLATE(name, '{}', ',,'), ',2:', 1) AS spos,
               TRANSLATE(name, '{}', ',,'),
               INSTR(TRANSLATE(name, '{}', ',,'), ',2:', 1, 1) + 3
             ) AS epos
      FROM   table_name

    Which, for the sample data:

    CREATE TABLE table_name (id, name) AS
    SELECT 1, '{1:mark,2:john}' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 2, '{1:Max,2:Mo}'    FROM DUAL;


    ID NAME2
    1 john
    2 Mo

    If you only want when id = 1 then add that filter and if you want to make the index you are matching a more dynamic parameter then:

           WHEN spos > 0 AND epos > 0
           THEN SUBSTR(name, spos + 3, epos - spos - 3)
           END AS name
    FROM   (
      SELECT id,
             INSTR(TRANSLATE(name, '{}', ',,'), ','||index_to_match||':', 1) AS spos,
               TRANSLATE(name, '{}', ',,'),
               INSTR(TRANSLATE(name, '{}', ',,'), ','||index_to_match||':', 1, 1) + 3
             ) AS epos
      FROM   table_name
             CROSS JOIN (SELECT 2 AS index_to_match FROM DUAL)
      WHERE  id = 1

    Or use a parameterised query and a bind parameter (instead of a sub-query).


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