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I need to sort a multidimensional array by a the column reference. The problem is that the reference has ‘-‘, so reference is alphanumeric.


  0 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '423-52', 'other_value' => x],
  1 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '223-52', 'other_value' => x],
  2 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '5423-52', 'other_value' => x],
  3 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '823-52', 'other_value' => x],
  4 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '123-52', 'other_value' => x]

Expected sorted result:

  0 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '123-52', 'other_value' => x],
  1 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '223-52', 'other_value' => x],
  2 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '423-52', 'other_value' => x],
  3 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '823-52', 'other_value' => x],
  4 =>['other_value' => y, 'reference' => '5423-52', 'other_value' => x]



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Finally, I use the function usort to call a method which has a comparing function (gmp_cmp) exploded by '-' and getting the first position, but this method only sort by the reference first part.

    usort($products, array('Method file', "cmp_numeric"));
    public static function cmp_numeric($a, $b)
      return gmp_cmp(explode('-', $a["reference"])[0], explode('-', $b["reference"])[0]);

  2. Using filter_var with FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT to transform value to (positive/negative) integer value, and the spaceship operator <=> for comparison.

    See the code in action at

    $payload = [
        ['other_value_y' => 'y', 'reference' => '423-52', 'other_value_x' => 'x'],
        ['other_value_y' => 'y', 'reference' => '223-52', 'other_value_x' => 'x'],
        ['other_value_y' => 'y', 'reference' => '5423-52', 'other_value_x' => 'x'],
        ['other_value_y' => 'y', 'reference' => '823-52', 'other_value_x' => 'x'],
        ['other_value_y' => 'y', 'reference' => '123-52', 'other_value_x' => 'x'],
    usort($payload, static function (array $a, array $b) {
        if (!isset($a['reference']) || !isset($b['reference'])) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Missing array key "reference"', 1671615426);
        // "Remove all characters except digits, plus and minus sign."
        // (consequence `-123-45-67` is treated as (negative) `-1234567`)
        // sse
        return filter_var($a['reference'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)
            <=> filter_var($b['reference'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
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