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I have a problem with my flutter app. When I run and use the login feature, it display: PlatformException (PlatformException(channel-error, Unable to establish connection on channel., null, null)). The flow: Sign in Button -> login_controller -> AuthenticationRepository.

Click here for the error picture

/// Sign in button
                width: double.infinity,
                child: ElevatedButton(
                  onPressed: () => controller.emailAndPasswordSignIn(),
                  child: const Text(TTexts.signIn),

It will use the logic here, and the problem is at the AuthenticationRepository class as shown in the picture (click on the hyperlink). I also have some custom class but I don’t think it will be helpful here. The comment inside the code I think it will be enough. I also have try the flutter clean and flutter pub get but still not working. All the package is up-to-date.

  /// -- Email and Password SignIn
  Future<void> emailAndPasswordSignIn() async {
    try {
      // Start Loading
          'Logging you in...', TImages.docerAnimation);

      // Check Internet Connectivity
      final isConnected = await NetworkManager.instance.isConnected();
      if (!isConnected) {

      // Form Validation
      if (!loginFormKey.currentState!.validate()) {

      // Save Data if Remember Me is Selected
      if (rememberMe.value) {
        localStorage.write('REMEMBER_ME_EMAIL', email.text.trim());
        localStorage.write('REMEMBER_ME_PASSWORD', password.text.trim());

      // Login user using Email & Password Authentication
      final userCredentials = await AuthenticationRepository.instance
          .loginWithEmailAndPassword(email.text.trim(), password.text.trim());

      // Save user record
      await userController.saveUserRecord(userCredentials);

      // Remove Loader

      // Redirect
    } catch (e) {
      TLoaders.errorSnackBar(title: 'Oh Snap!', message: e.toString());
  class AuthenticationRepository extends GetxController {
  static AuthenticationRepository get instance => Get.find();

  /// Variables
  final deviceStorage = GetStorage();
  final _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

  /// Get Authenticated User Data
  User? get authUser => _auth.currentUser;

  /// Called from main.dart on app laucnh
  void onReady() {

  /// Function to Show Relevant Screen
  void screenRedirect() async {
    final user = _auth.currentUser;

    if (user != null) {
      if (user.emailVerified) {
        Get.offAll(() => const NavigationMenu());
      } else {
        Get.offAll(() => VerifyEmailScreen(
              email: _auth.currentUser?.email,
    } else {
      // Local Storage
      deviceStorage.writeIfNull('isFirstTime', true);

      // Check if it's the first time launching the app'isFirstTime') != true
          ? Get.offAll(() => const LoginScreen())
          : Get.offAll(const OnBoardingScreen());

  /* ---------- Email & Password sign-in -----------------*/

  /// [EmailAuthenctication] - SignIn
  Future<UserCredential> loginWithEmailAndPassword(
      String email, String password) async {
    try {
      return await _auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(
          email: email, password: password); // this where the exception error happen
    } on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) {
      throw TFirebaseAuthException(e.code).message;
    } on FirebaseException catch (e) {
      throw TFirebaseException(e.code).message;
    } on FormatException catch (_) {
      throw const TFormatException();
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      throw TPlatformException(e.code).message;
    } catch (e) {
      throw 'Something went wrong. Please try again';

This is my first time doing a complex flutter project and quite newbie on backend/logic programming. Any help/discussion is welcome



  1. !loginFormKey.currentState!

    This line causing that error

    You can assign it like this way.

    enter image description here

    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. make sure the loginFormKey has been assigned to a Form widget, I think you missed it and the error says currentState is null.

    Login or Signup to reply.
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