Firebase – get Kotlin.Unit returned , new situation
This question is related to Android app development in Kotlin. So, the thing is I want to update the username
Looking for answers to your Firebase questions? Our Firebase question archive is a valuable resource for web developers seeking solutions to common app development issues. Browse our extensive collection of Q&A threads covering topics such as authentication, real-time database, cloud functions, and more. Find the solutions you need to build and scale your app with Firebase! An extensive official documentation can be found here.
This question is related to Android app development in Kotlin. So, the thing is I want to update the username
I’ve completed implementing Firebase Auth with phone verification .
It has no problems until this error shows up.
After call
I hope you can help me with this problem. I have a Firebase Cloud Function, which sends a message via
providedIn: 'root'
export class ChatService {
config = {
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I’m using the package and trying to upload a file to firebase storage and have a download link to
I’m storing data in firebase with this structure:
/aggregate_data/{user id}/{product id}/data
The aggregate_data collection is the root collection ID and