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I have a component with a checkbox in it and for some reason it’s not firing. When I say firing I mean it does not console log or print out in the DOM. Nothing. I have tried onClick/onChange. Then I thought maybe this specific checkbox has a problem. But in the whole app no checkbox is firing. So maybe I am doing something wrong. Yes I have tried ChatGPT and checked elsewhere. Nothing works. Also restarted dev server.

import { useState } from "react";

export default function ThemeSwitcher() {
    const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);

    const handleChange = () => {
        setChecked((prevCheck) => !prevCheck);


    return (
            <label className="theme-switcher" htmlFor="themeswitch">
                <div className="background"></div>
                    onClick={() => handleChange()}

                <div className="switch" >
                    <img alt="theme switch to dark" className="moon" src="/moon.png"></img>
                    <img alt="theme switch to light" className="sun" src="/sun.png"></img>



  1. If you want to log the updated value of a useState change, then you can call it inside of a useEffect callback.

    This is because, were you to call the console.log from inside the handleChange function, you would see the old value of the state, as useState doesn’t execute the state update immediately. By using a useEffect callback, you can place the state in the dependency array and cause an updated value to be logged on every change to that state. Like this:

    import { useEffect } from 'react';
    export default function ThemeSwitcher() {
        const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);
        const handleChange = () => {
            setChecked((prevCheck) => !prevCheck);
        // logs the state of the checked state when it changes
        useEffect(() => {
        }, [checked]);
        // the rest of the code...

    This would cause a value to be logged after every update to checked by the handleChange function.

    Apologies if I have misunderstood your requirements.

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  2. Several things going on.

    You should use checked instead of defaultChecked if you want the input to be controlled by state (this is for clarity and correctness, but won’t really solve your immediate problem). It will solve the confusion, though, about why your checkbox appears to change state without your component re-rendering.

    Also, you should be using onChange instead of onClick. The most likely problem is that you prevented your input from receiving an onClick due to CSS. onChange wouldn’t suffer from this problem.

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