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Here create a random password:

resource "random_password" "password" {
  length  = 12  
  special = true
  override_special = "!#$%&*()-_=+[]{}:?"

Here I create a secret for the database:

resource "kubernetes_secret" "db_pass" {
  metadata {
    name = "db-pass"
  data = {
    MYSQL_PASSWORD = "${aws_db_instance.database.password}"
    S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID : ""
    S3_SECRET_KEY : ""
    RABBITMQ_PASSWORD     = "${var.rabbitpassw}"
    RABBITMQ_ERLANGCOOKIE = "${var.erlangcookie}"

  depends_on = [

Then this code should use a random password that db uses to connect:

resource "aws_db_instance" "database" {
  allocated_storage       = var.instance_storage_db
  max_allocated_storage   = var.max_storage_db
  engine                  = var.instance_engine_db
  engine_version          = var.instance_engine_version_db
  instance_class          = var.instance_size_db
  identifier              = "${var.cluster_name}-db-instance"
  db_name                 = "tester"
  username                = "admin"
  password                = random_password.password.result
  snapshot_identifier     = var.db_snapshot_id
  db_subnet_group_name    =
  vpc_security_group_ids  = []
  skip_final_snapshot     = var.skip_final_snapshot_db
  multi_az                = var.multi_az_db
  backup_retention_period = var.ret_period_db

I I use it before, and it was working normally, now i create new cluster and secret create 24 character password, and i cannot connect to RDS it using mysql

When create hardcoded password, connections to RDS is normal

Same problem have with grafana random password.

Is anyone go true this problem?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks to @mrexojo, I found what's the problem.

    I change from windows to linux OS, and i used kubectl get secret db-pass -o json, while on windows i used kubectl get secret db-pass -o json | jq '{name:,data: .data|map_values(@base64d)}' On windows work normaly, but on linux is deferent command

    Thanks @MarkoE for help also, you are great!

    right comand is kubectl get secret db-pass -o jsonpath='{.data.MYSQL_PASSWORD}' -n namespace | base64 --decode | awk '{print $1}'

  2. First of all, I’d use the random_password.password.result as data content for the kubernetes secret. You are creating a not necessary dependency.

    When you create a hardcoded password (not recomended) or random_password.password.result inside a aws_db_instance resource, it works because it use the real content.

    But remember that kubernetes secret content is offuscated with base64 format. So when you create a resource kubernetes_secret it’s already generating the random_password with base64.

    Anyway you can debug the content of your kubernetes secret and the random password.


    The output option from terraform is not allowed showing password even using sensitive = false , but if you has access to the plain text teraform.tfstate you could to find the plaint text of random password (something like "result": "V1dp81Dxr#nj",) and checking if it match with a similar query result of:

    kubectl get secret db-pass -o jsonpath='{.data.MYSQL_PASSWORD}' -n namespace | base64 --decode | awk '{print $1}'

    I hope that it help you.

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