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Is it possible to retrieve ALL links generated in a wordpress site?
I am talkin about pages, dynamic links generated on a user request, custom post type and so on
I tried a couple of plugin to get the map of a site but I only get a list of my static page. Instead, mappers online can go trough all my links and show me all the links.

Is there a way to have a list of them? may using php o wordpress codex?
I need to scrape them all to retrieve the last 3 link generated and show them in homepage

Need to show last 3 gallery added using NextGen gallery plugin, but the plugin show only link in this order:



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I was thinking about matching all possible combination between album and galleries, since (in my site) the link of a gallery is given in this way:

    I was able to retrieve all galleries-name/album-name slugs from the database.

    Using php arrays, now I want to combine the last three galleries slugs added to database with all album slugs: since all galleries have different slugs, I want to perform a validation using php on the links generated, and if it matches, then I will have my link to the last 3 gelleries.

  2. No need to grab all the links on the website. You can use a WP_Query to grab the last 3 galleries like so

    $gallery_query = new WP_Query([
        'post_type' =>  ['ngg_gallery'],
        'posts_per_page'    =>  3
    while ( $gallery_query->have_posts() ) : $gallery_query->the_post();
        $link = get_the_permalink();
        // output your HTML using $link however you need to use it

    If that doesn’t work for you, you could also hook into one of these post updated hooks where you could check if a page containing a NewGen gallery was updated, and if so store it in the database, probably in a WP Option where you keep track of the last three pages that contained NextGen galleries.

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