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I have been checking the documentation and got confused, can someone advise me how to add one-to-many relationships for existing tables? Adequately userid is supposed to refer to the user id.

Entity for a user that may have multiple doors

#[ORMEntity(repositoryClass: UserRepository::class)]
#[ORMTable(name: '`user`')]
#[UniqueEntity(fields: ['username'], message: '321')]
class User implements UserInterface, PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface
    private ?int $id = null;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

Entity for the doors

#[ORMTable(name: '`doors`')]
#[UniqueEntity(fields: ['serialNumber'], message: '312132')]
#[ORMEntity(repositoryClass: DoorsRepository::class)]
class Doors
    private ?int $id = null;

    private ?int $userid = null;

    private ?string $purchaseFilename = null;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function setId(int $id): static
        $this->id = $id;

        return $this;

    public function getUserid(): ?int
        return $this->userid;




  1. as your properties already exist, you have to update their annotations like based on Symfony Associations Doc and the type used.

        class Doors {
        #[ORMManyToOne(targetEntity: User::class, inversedBy: 'doors')]
        private User $user;
        public function getUser(): ?User 
            return $this->user;
        public function setUser(?User $user): self
            $this->user = $user;
            return $this;
    class User {
        #[ORMOneToMany(targetEntity: Door::class, mappedBy: 'user')]
        private Collection $doors;
        public function __construct()
            $this->doors = new ArrayCollection();
        public function getDoors():Collection
            return $this->doors;

    Then you will have to run make a new migration and run it using:

    php bin/console make:migration 
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

    In addition, you may take a look at How to embed a collection of form to handle your forms.

    If it’s was helpull, make sure to accept the answer !

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  2. You have an easy way to add relations in Symfony.

    You can use the command php bin/console make:entity.

    Then call your entity (in your example Doors), add a field user, declare type OneToMany (or see more relation types with the relation key), related the entity to User, and voila.

    Then php bin/console make:migration : it will write the change in migrations folder ; you’ll see it automatically add a field user_id in Door table, related to your (as id is the identifier of your User entity).
    And php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate : queries will be executed in your db.

    I hope it will help

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