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I’m updating the hx-trigger attribute of #refreshToggle to change how often it requests my alert endpoint with the selected value of #timeDropdown using hyperscript. The attribute gets changed correctly but #refreshToggle still uses its starting value of 5s.

It seems like htmx parses and sets all triggers only on page load, because even if I remove the hx-trigger attribute it still runs its trigger, both onclick and every 5s. Is there any way to force a reload/re-parse of triggers?

<div class="container">
  <label for="timeDropdown" class="has-text-white-ter">Refresh every:</label>
  <select name="timeDropdown" id="timeDropdown"
  _="on change set #refreshToggle[@hx-trigger] to `click[this.checked], every ${my value}s[this.checked]`">
    <option value="5">5s</option>
    <option value="10">10s</option>
    <option value="15">15s</option>
    <option value="30">30s</option>
    <option value="60">60s</option>
    <option value="120">2m</option>
    <option value="300">5m</option>
<div class="container">
  <label class="has-text-white-ter"  for="refreshToggle">Toggle automatic polling</label>
  <input class="is-rounded" id="refreshToggle" type="checkbox"
         hx-get="{{ url_for("alerts") }}"
         hx-trigger="click[this.checked], every 5s[this.checked]"

<div id="alert-list" class="container"></div>



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    @Ermi pointed me in the right direction. There is a way force a re-parse of the triggers on an element with htmx.process(). I added it to the end of my hyperscript and now it works as intended.

    <div class="container">
        <label for="timeDropdown" class="has-text-white-ter">Refresh every:</label>
        <select name="timeDropdown" id="timeDropdown"
          _="on change set #refreshToggle[@hx-trigger] to `click[this.checked], every ${my value}s[this.checked]`
             then call htmx.process(#refreshToggle)">
          <option value="5">5s</option>
          <option value="10">10s</option>
          <option value="15">15s</option>
          <option value="30">30s</option>
          <option value="60">60s</option>
          <option value="120">2m</option>
          <option value="300">5m</option>

  2. To force htmx to re-parse the triggers, you can use the htmx.process() function after updating the attribute dynamically.

    <div class="container">
      <label for="timeDropdown" class="has-text-white-ter">Refresh every:</label>
      <select name="timeDropdown" id="timeDropdown"
      _="on change set #refreshToggle[@hx-trigger] to `click[this.checked], every ${this.value}s[this.checked]`">
        <option value="5">5s</option>
        <option value="10">10s</option>
        <option value="15">15s</option>
        <option value="30">30s</option>
        <option value="60">60s</option>
        <option value="120">2m</option>
        <option value="300">5m</option>
    <div class="container">
      <label class="has-text-white-ter"  for="refreshToggle">Toggle automatic polling</label>
      <input class="is-rounded" id="refreshToggle" type="checkbox"
             hx-get="{{ url_for("alerts") }}"
             hx-trigger="click[this.checked], every 5s[this.checked]"
    <div id="alert-list" class="container"></div>
    document.getElementById('timeDropdown').addEventListener('change', function() {
        // Update the hx-trigger attribute of #refreshToggle based on the selected value of #timeDropdown

    Now, the htmx.trigger() function is called to force htmx to re-parse triggers, making sure that the updated behavior is applied to #refreshToggle.

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