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I want a calendar with only 7 days visible.
The days ['Ma', 'Di', 'Woe', 'Do', 'Vrij', 'Za', 'Zo']
must stay in the same position. Only the numbers may change.

My JS code doesn’t work.

<div class="calendar">
   <p class="month" id="month"></p>
     <div class="d-flex justify-content-around" id="daysContainer">
function generateWeekDays() {
    var daysOfWeek    = ['Ma', 'Di', 'Woe', 'Do', 'Vrij', 'Za', 'Zo']; 
    var today         = new Date();
    var currentDay    = today.getDay();
    var daysContainer = document.getElementById('daysContainer');
    daysContainer.innerHTML = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        var dayIndex   = (currentDay + i) % 7;
        var dayName    = daysOfWeek[dayIndex];
        var dayNumber  = today.getDate() + i;
        var dayElement = document.createElement('div'); 

        var classes = 'flex-direction-row ' + dayName.toLowerCase(); 
        if (i === 0) classes += ' active'; 
        dayElement.className = classes;

        dayElement.innerHTML = '<div class="number">' + dayNumber + '</div>' 
                             + '<div class="day">' + dayName + '</div>';


    var monthElement         = document.getElementById('month');
    var monthNames           = ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Maart', 'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augustus', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'];
    var currentMonth         = today.getMonth();
    monthElement.textContent = monthNames[currentMonth];

window.onload = generateWeekDays;

If I use console.log then I see nothing in my console..
I don’t know what I doing wrong??



  1. You’re looping only 5 times instead of 7, which means you’re not generating all days of the week.

    Try this

    function generateWeekDays() {
    const daysOfWeek = ['Zo', 'Ma', 'Di', 'Woe', 'Do', 'Vrij', 'Za']; // Start with 'Zo' for Sunday
    const today = new Date();
    const daysContainer = document.getElementById('daysContainer');
    daysContainer.innerHTML = '';
    // Determine the current day of the week (0-6, where 0 is Sunday)
    const currentDayOfWeek = today.getDay();
    for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        // Calculate the date for each day of the week
        let dayDate = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() - currentDayOfWeek + i);
        const dayName = daysOfWeek[dayDate.getDay()]; // Get the day name based on the day of the week
        const dayNumber = dayDate.getDate(); // Get the date number
        const dayElement = document.createElement('div');
        dayElement.className = 'day-item';
        dayElement.innerHTML = `<div class="number">${dayNumber}</div><div class="day">${dayName}</div>`;
    // Set the month name
    const monthElement = document.getElementById('month');
    const monthNames = ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Maart', 'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augustus', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'];
    monthElement.textContent = monthNames[today.getMonth()];
    window.onload = generateWeekDays;
    <div class="calendar">
      <p class="month" id="month"></p>
      <div class="d-flex justify-content-around" id="daysContainer"></div>

    I hope this helps

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  2. Something like that ?

        daysOfWeek    = 'Ma-Di-Woe-Do-Vrij-Za-Zo'.split('-')
      , monthNames    = ('Januari-Februari-Maart-April-Mei-Juni-Juli-Augustus'
      , daysContainer = document.querySelector('#calendar > div')
      , monthElement  = document.querySelector('#calendar > p')
    function generateWeekDays()
      let dateOn  = new Date() 
        , c_Day   = dateOn.getDate()
        , cWkDay  = dateOn.getDay()
        , c_Month = dateOn.getMonth()
        , c_Year  = dateOn.getFullYear()
      monthElement.textContent = `${monthNames[c_Month]} - ${c_Year}`;
      // set date on first week day 'Ma'
      dateOn.setDate(dateOn.getDate() - ((cWkDay+6 )% 7) );
      // clear daysContainer
      while( daysContainer.firstChild ) 
        { daysContainer.removeChild(daysContainer.lastChild); }
      for( let dayName of daysOfWeek )
        let dayNum = ((dateOn.getMonth()) !== c_Month) ? '-' : dateOn.getDate()
          , dayCls = (dayNum ===  c_Day) ? ' class="active"': ''
        dateOn.setDate(dateOn.getDate() +1 ); // next day
        fragHTML = new Range().createContextualFragment(` 
    #calendar  {
      max-width: 24em;
    #calendar > p {
      font-weight    : bold;
      letter-spacing : .2ic;
      padding-left   : 1em;
    #calendar > div {
      display         : flex;
      flex-direction  : row;
      justify-content : space-around;
    #calendar > div > div {
      background-color : lightblue;
      text-align       : center;
      width            : 3rem;
    #calendar > div > div > div {
      padding    : .4em 0 .2em 0;
    #calendar > div > div > div:first-of-type {
      font-style    : oblique;
      border-bottom : 1px black solid;
    .active {
      background-color: hotpink;
    <div id="calendar">
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