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In a bash shell, I want to convert an array variable $a into a string of tab separated values. I found a very complete answer by F.Hauri, using IFS, but then I could not make it work in a script. The reason seems to be that using the IFS variable behaves differently in scripts and terminals.

Here is an example (for ease of read, I am using IFS=’*’ instead of IFS=$’n’):

a=("0.0 mm" "0.1 mm" "0.3 mm" "0.2 mm")
IFS='*';echo "${a[*]// /'|'}";IFS=$' tn';

When I type it directly a bash terminal, I get this output :


But running the same from a script, yields:


As you can see, the ‘*’ character is used as separator everywhere when I run this command from a script.

Please help me understand why that happens and how to fix it. Thank you.

(I am running this in Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, installed under windows using wls.)



  1. It behaves the same way inside or outside of a script:


    $ a=("0.0 mm" "0.1 mm" "0.3 mm" "0.2 mm")
    $ IFS='*';echo "${a[*]// /'|'}";IFS=$' tn';


    $ cat
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    a=("0.0 mm" "0.1 mm" "0.3 mm" "0.2 mm")
    IFS='*';echo "${a[*]// /'|'}";IFS=$' tn';

    $ ./

    If, as you say at the start of your question, you want to:

    convert an array variable $a into a string of tab separated values

    then all you need is:

    $ a=("0.0 mm" "0.1 mm" "0.3 mm" "0.2 mm")
    $ var=$( IFS=$'t'; echo "${a[*]}" )
    $ echo "$var"
    0.0 mm  0.1 mm  0.3 mm  0.2 mm
    $ echo "$var" | cat -A
    0.0 mm^I0.1 mm^I0.3 mm^I0.2 mm$
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  2. Don’t mess with IFS, use printf instead:

    a=("0.0 mm" "0.1 mm" "0.3 mm" "0.2 mm")
    printf '%st' "${a[@]}"
    0.0 mm  0.1 mm  0.3 mm  0.2 mm

    Printf can create vars:

    printf -v var '%st' "${a[@]}"
    echo "$var"
    0.0 mm  0.1 mm  0.3 mm  0.2 mm
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