In my project I am creating Azure Database for MySql – Single server.
I am using GO-sdk to create the Azure database. (""
I see below notice on Azure website (Link) : It is little bit unclear to me.
As part of this retirement, we will no longer support creating new Single Server instances from the Azure portal beginning
January 16, 2023
and Azure CLI beginning
March 19, 2024
Here, It is mentioned that we will not be able to create the Azure MySql- Single server. We can create Azure MySql – Flexible server.
Question :
Is it only applicable to Azure CLI or the requests sent using GO SDK as well ?
If the requests from SDK also not allowed to create MySql – Single Server, then what are the major changes required on code side to create MySql – Flexible server ? I am mainly asking from Network/connectivity point of view ?
Are there any changes between the ways to connect to DBs ?
Can someone please help on these questions.
So, looking at your first question, Is it only applicable to Azure CLI or the requests sent using GO SDK as well, the documentation states both the portal and cli can no longer be used to create a single server instance. If you refer to the Azure Database for MySQL REST API documentation you will see the
method is no longer present. Since the GO SDK relies on this API, you can no longer create a single server instance using the SDK.As for question 2. Your commands and query code should not be affected since both the single server and flexible server use version 5.7 and 8. In the Choose the right MySQL Server option in Azure article, the Networking/Security shows the flexible server platform provides one additional connection option. So, really, there should be no difference.
Finally, your last question concerning connecting to the database. The answer should be no. You will have similar connection strings (maybe the server name would be different) that you would either plug into your code or set as an application variable if deploying your app to an Azure App Service Plan.
I hope this provides some guidance for you.
Reassuring me that my existing commands and query code should remain compatible with the Flexible Server.