I have an input file with multiple images upload. I am adding them to Supabase storage as you can see in the server actions, it works fine. When I try adding the images URL’s to the Prisma database it does not work. The "create" is giving an error : Types of property ‘imageUrl’ are incompatible. Here is my code. I omitted the extra fields just to keep it simple. Anyone can help to sport the problem in my code?
The Image Input File
<Input name="image" type="file" multiple={true} required />
The Server Action
export async function createDescription(formData: FormData) {
const homeId = formData.get("homeId") as string;
const photos = formData.getAll("image") as string[];
const photoNames = photos.map((_, index) => `blog-${Date.now()}-${index}`);
const uploadPromises = photos.map((photo, index) => {
return supabase.storage.from("images").upload(photoNames[index], photo, {
contentType: "image/png",
cacheControl: "2592000",
const uploadResults = await Promise.all(uploadPromises);
const errors = uploadResults.map((result) => result.error).filter(Boolean);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return { error: "Unable to upload one or more blog images to Storage." };
const paths = uploadResults.map((result) => result.data?.path);
const photoUrls = paths.map(
(path) =>
const { data: imageData } = await supabase.from("blogs").update([
if (imageData === null) {
return { error: "Unable to upload one or more blog images to Storage." };
const imageFilesUrl = photoUrls.map((url) => ({ url }));
const data = await prisma.home.update({
where: {
id: homeId,
data: {
addedDescription: true,
HomePhoto: {
create: {
imageUrl: imageFiles,
return redirect(`/create/${homeId}/address`);
The Prisma Model
model User {
id String @id @unique
authId String @unique
email String @unique
firstName String
lastName String
profileImage String?
Home Home[]
model Home {
id String @id @default(uuid())
title String?
description String?
guests String?
bedrooms String?
bathrooms String?
country String?
price Int?
categoryName String?
addedCategory Boolean @default(false)
addedDescription Boolean @default(false)
addedLocation Boolean @default(false)
createdAT DateTime @default(now())
User User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String?
HomePhoto Photo[]
model Photo {
id String @id @default(uuid())
imageUrl String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
Home Home @relation(fields: [homeId], references: [id])
homeId String
I should have used the "photoUrls" array and not the "imageFilesUrl" which can be deleted. Then the call to store each image URL is as below:
what if we change it to, for example, the following?
supabase will overwrite or conflict if the same image is used many times.