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I want to store a global variable that’s mutable and accessible in all files of my React.js project, including index.js where the ApolloClient is rendered. At first, I thought to create a class but I wasn’t sure how to implement that and save the state of the variable across multiple pages. Upon doing research, I discovered the use of context, but I don’t quite understand the documentation. Please advise what the best practice would be. Thank you.


I attempted to import a global variable, but that isn’t mutable. I also attempted making a class that extends React.Component, to access functionalities such as useState() but a class of that nature must return a component if I understand correctly. Upon reading into Context more, I’m starting to gain a little more understanding, but I still don’t fully understand how to implement it.

I created a file AuthHandler:

import { createContext } from 'react';

export var AuthData = {
    id: createContext(0),
    auth: createContext("")

I want to mutate that data in a component function, and then access it in index.js. How would I go about doing that?



  1. if u want to store a variable globally u can use context api or redux-tool 
    here i am giving a rough idea how u can achieve this using context API
    first Create A folder usually context.. inside this create a file usually 
    name as DataProvider.jsx and do thing like this
     ```import { createContext, useState } from 'react';
    export const DataContext = createContext(null);
    const DataProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const [Client, setClient] = useState([]);
    return (
        <DataContext.Provider value={{
           Client, setClient


    export default DataProvider; ```
    next step u should wrap your app.js like this
      function App() {
      return (
        <Home />
      export default App;```
    now u can setclient or u can use client data like below
    assume u have a file name Client.jsx where u want to set the client data
    enter code here
    ```const { setCleint} = useContext(DataContext);```
    set the Client data to setClient just as normal state
    now in similar way u can render the client list anywhere like this
    ```const { Cleint} = useContext(DataContext);```
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  2. Your use case here will be consumed by something outside of React (an Apollo Link), so Context does not make any sense here – Context would make a value available to children in the React tree, but your link is not a child in a React Tree.

    Instead you can just export an object and modify that object (you probably cannot reassign it depending on how you import/export it, but you can always modify it).

    // index.js
    export const globalData = {
      auth: null
    // anywhere else
    import { globalData } from './index.js'
    globalData.auth = "foo"

    That said, you can only work with global data like this if you are not using SSR. If you are using SSR (e.g. in a Client Component in Next.js), you’d need to find another way of doing that.

    In that case, you could use Apollo CLient’s defaultContext.

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