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I am pulling some data from Facebook API,

const response = await axios.get('API ENDPOINT')
     setData(; // Assuming the data is in the
     console.log( //printing values
     console.log('Data copied to state:', data); // Log the state after update

console.log( This one logs data correctly as JSON object in console
console.log('Data copied to state:', data) gives an empty array.

Accessed from HTML Element

{data?.length > 0 && (
        {, index) => (
          <li key={index}>
            {/* Access item properties here */}
            {} - {item.last_name}

How to get data populated to data object to print in HTML Element



  1. Setting state in React is asynchronous. This means the setData function doesn’t immediately mutate the provided state but creates a pending state transition. This is the reason why you’re seeing an empty array when you console log data immediately after setting it.

    You may want to actually check the data in your render function or just after your useEffect hook if you have one.


    useEffect(() => {
        const fetchData = async () => {
            const response = await axios.get('API ENDPOINT')
    }, []);

    You’re going to show the data on the component, so you can’t use useRef, so using useEffect is the best way I can see.

    check this video

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  2. @Kobra’s answer answers the question – setState is asynchronous and might not reflect immediate changes of the state. And useEffect is a great tool to synchronous components (including state) with an external system.

    As it is unclear how you use your function with the fetch() method; a way to check the changed value of a state is to put it in a useEffect, with dependencies specified. For example,

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [data])
    // The result should be something like this with `dev` mode, if set correctly:
    // <initial_value>
    // <initial_value>
    // <updated_value>

    And the data should populate the HTML once the state is updated – React would re-render the component when state changes (according to React’s documentation).

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