I have list that I’m trying to split into an array.
The items in the list will not always follow the same pattern. Here’s the example list:
TestOne__Test One|1
TestTwo__Test Two|1
TestFour__Test Four
First I split each item by the ‘__’, which creates the parts array with parts[1] and parts[2] (for any lines that include the __
But, any list items that also contain the "|1" suffix, need to be split as well.
Ideally I will end up with a single parts arrays that looks like this (for each i):
parts = [TestOne, Test One, 1]
parts = [TestTwo, Test Two, 1]
parts = [TestThree, '', '']
parts = [TestFour, Test Four, '']
parts = [TestFive, '', 1]
Here’s the first split:
var promptList = ['TestOne__Test One|1', 'TestTwo__Test Two|1', 'TestThree', 'TestFour__Test Four'];
for (var i = 0; i < promptList.length; i++) {
var parts = promptList[i].split('__');
I have tried splitting all at once with regex:
var parts = promptList[i].split(/__||/);
But that just jumbles up the array indexes. I want all the parts[0] items to be the First part of the line item, and parts[1] to be the second part of the line item (if there is one) and parts[2] to be the ‘1’ suffix (if there is one).
The syntax for each line is as follows:
*TestOne* = the data that is too be saved
*Test One* = the display text that is to be shown to the user if this value is exists, otherwise "TestOne" is shown
*1* = whether or not the value will be pre-selected
I’d like to be able to reference parts[2] and be sure that it’s referencing the ‘1’ value for each item. In the above list parts[1] for line 5 will be the ‘1’ value.
I think I found a solution.
You shouldn’t use a character class in your regular expression. The regular expression you want is
if you want to use the character class to escape the vertical bar) to match two underscores (or one vertical bar), not an underscore-or-apostrophe-or-vertical-bar.