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I’m currently building a little app to retrieve information from an HTML Form (multiples checkboxes actually) and pass this information as args to a powershell exec command.

Currently I get this kind of array as a result :

    [0] => Group1
    [1] => Group2
    [2] => Group3
    [3] => Group4
    [4] => Group5
    [5] => Group6

At first I wanted to put this array in a CSV file and then read this CSV from the powershell script but I wonder if there is a way to use this array directly in my shell_exec as an arg (powershell formatted array @("Group1","Group2"))

My php (where $arg2 is the above array):

$Psscript = "C:Scriptsscript.ps1";
$arg1 = $_POST["data1"];
$arg2 = $_POST["data2"];
echo '<pre>'; print_r($arg2); echo '</pre>';

shell_exec("powershell -InputFormat none -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -Command $Psscript $arg1 $arg2");

Has anybody succeeded in making thing like this work ?

Thank you for any suggestions and please don’t hesitate to ask if you need more information ๐Ÿ˜‰



  1. Using implode plus a bit of string concatenation on either end you can fairly easily produce the format you specified, ready for insertion into the powershell command string:

    $arg2 = array
        0 => "Group1",
        1 => "Group2",
        2 => "Group3",
        3 => "Group4",
        4 => "Group5",
        5 => "Group6"
    echo '@("'.implode('","', $arg2).'")';




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