I installed the Bootsplash library and it works fine on iOS. But when I want to run it on Android, I get the following error;
ERROR:quiz_app/android/app/build/intermediates/incremental/debug/mergeDebugResources/merged.dir/values/values.xml:5506: AAPT: error: resource color/bootsplash_background (aka com.quiz_app:color/bootsplash_background) not found.
My assets folder includes SplashScreenLogo.png
react-native version: 0.72.6
react-native-bootsplash version: 5.0.4
How can I fix this problem ?
Thanks for reading.
I changed the name of my SplashScreenLogo.png file to bootsplash_logo but it didn’t work.
I ran the ./gradlew clean command and compiled the application again but it didn’t work.
This is likely happening because you haven’t created (or modified) the colors.xml file properly. The color
is missing from the file.Navigate to
in your project (or create the file if it doesn’t exist) and add the following content:If the file already has some colors defined, just add the
one under any color and rebuild the app.Yeah, please remove this line
<item name="bootSplashBrand">@drawable/bootsplash_brand</item>
it work 100%.