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In a basic Remix V2 app, i need help understanding if the following is expected behavior, a bug in V2, or possibly a missing configuration option or setting.

When running in development mode via npx run dev i am seeing the useLoaderData hook receive a JavaScript object declaration as its value as opposed to JSON.

I could not find anything related to this issue in the Remix documentation.

Full details to reproduce the issue:

I created an demo Remix V2 app by running npx create-remix@latest

I wrote a simulated API backend method stored in app/api/notes.ts which has one method that returns JSON data that it loads from a JSON file that i have stored at the root of my application ./app/notes.json:

import fs from 'fs/promises';
export async function getStoredNotes() {
  const rawFileContent = await fs.readFile('notes.json', { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  const data = JSON.parse(rawFileContent);
  const storedNotes = data.notes ?? [];
  return storedNotes;

The client side consists of 2 simple routes, index and notes and i have defined 2 NavLink components for navigation:

import { NavLink } from '@remix-run/react';
<NavLink to="/">Home</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/notes">Notes</NavLink>

In the notes route, i have the following loader function defined which makes a call to my simulated API method:

import { getStoredNotes } from '~/api/notes';
export const loader:LoaderFunction = async () => {
  try {
    const notes = await getStoredNotes();
    return json(notes);

  } catch (error) {
    return json({ errorMessage: 'Failed to retrieve stored notes.', errorDetails: error }, { status: 400 });

In the notes main component function i receive that data using the useLoaderData hook and attempt to print the returned JSON data to the console:

export default function NotesView() {

  const notes = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();


  return (
      <NoteList notes={notes as Note[] || []} />

When i run an npx run build and subsequently npx run serve everything is working correctly:

Initial page load receives the data successfully and prints the value to the console as JSON.

{"notes":[{"title":"my title","content":"my note","id":"2024-03-28T05:22:52.875Z"}]}

Subsequent navigation client side between the index and notes routes via the NavLink components is also working correctly such that i see the same data print to the console.

The problem arises when i run in development mode via npx run dev as follows:

The initial page load coming from the server does load correctly and prints the JSON to the console as expected, however:

Subsequent navigation client side between the index and notes routes using the NavLink components does not print the JSON data to the console. Instead, i am seeing a JavaScript object declaration print to the console quite literally just like this:

export const notes = [
        title: "my title",
        content: "my note",
        id: "2024-03-28T05:22:52.875Z"

Is this expected behavior when running in dev mode?
What can i do to troubleshoot this issue?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I want to credit @Kiliman for leading me in the right direction in-order to figure out what was causing the odd behavior.

    I assume this is not a bug at all but rather a bad implementation on my part in attempting to quickly test a hello world example of a Remix app.

    It was the location of my notes.json file that was the issue.

    To replicate the behavior where JSON retrieved from a file is returned as a JavaScript object declaration, the source notes.json file would need to sit at the root of the project folder itself. So, not in ./app/notes.json but rather ./notes.json such that it sits in the same directory as the package.json file.

    This was likely a mistake to begin with as i assume we should never store any asset at the root of the project folder.

    i created this StackBlitz example to demonstrate the behavior.

  2. Hmmm… I’m not sure why you’re getting those results. You definitely shouldn’t get ‘code’ from useLoaderData.

    Here’s a ⚡️ StackBlitz showing that it works properly. If you still have issues, can you post a simple repo showing the error?

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