I have a Dockerfile that is literally just (I’ve also tried with only the first line as well):
FROM amazon/aws-cli:latest
CMD [ "sleep", "10000" ]
I build with:
docker build -t image-name .
I run with:
docker run -d --name container-name image-name
When I view the logs of the container this is what is shown:
2024-04-11 12:36:48
2024-04-11 12:36:48 usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [parameters]
2024-04-11 12:36:48 To see help text, you can run:
2024-04-11 12:36:48
2024-04-11 12:36:48 aws help
2024-04-11 12:36:48 aws <command> help
2024-04-11 12:36:48 aws <command> <subcommand> help
2024-04-11 12:36:48
2024-04-11 12:36:48 aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:
2024-04-11 12:36:48
2024-04-11 12:36:48 accessanalyzer | account
2024-04-11 12:36:48 acm | acm-pca
2024-04-11 12:36:48 alexaforbusiness | amp
2024-04-11 12:36:48 amplify | amplifybackend
2024-04-11 12:36:48 amplifyuibuilder | apigateway
2024-04-11 12:36:48 apigatewaymanagementapi | apigatewayv2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 appconfig | appconfigdata
2024-04-11 12:36:48 appfabric | appflow
2024-04-11 12:36:48 appintegrations | application-autoscaling
2024-04-11 12:36:48 application-insights | applicationcostprofiler
2024-04-11 12:36:48 appmesh | apprunner
2024-04-11 12:36:48 appstream | appsync
2024-04-11 12:36:48 arc-zonal-shift | artifact
2024-04-11 12:36:48 athena | auditmanager
2024-04-11 12:36:48 autoscaling | autoscaling-plans
2024-04-11 12:36:48 b2bi | backup
2024-04-11 12:36:48 backup-gateway | backupstorage
2024-04-11 12:36:48 batch | bcm-data-exports
2024-04-11 12:36:48 bedrock | bedrock-agent
2024-04-11 12:36:48 bedrock-agent-runtime | bedrock-runtime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 billingconductor | braket
2024-04-11 12:36:48 budgets | ce
2024-04-11 12:36:48 chatbot | chime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 chime-sdk-identity | chime-sdk-media-pipelines
2024-04-11 12:36:48 chime-sdk-meetings | chime-sdk-messaging
2024-04-11 12:36:48 chime-sdk-voice | cleanrooms
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cleanroomsml | cloud9
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cloudcontrol | clouddirectory
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cloudformation | cloudfront
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cloudfront-keyvaluestore | cloudhsm
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cloudhsmv2 | cloudsearch
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cloudsearchdomain | cloudtrail
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cloudtrail-data | cloudwatch
2024-04-11 12:36:48 codeartifact | codebuild
2024-04-11 12:36:48 codecatalyst | codecommit
2024-04-11 12:36:48 codeconnections | codeguru-reviewer
2024-04-11 12:36:48 codeguru-security | codeguruprofiler
2024-04-11 12:36:48 codepipeline | codestar
2024-04-11 12:36:48 codestar-connections | codestar-notifications
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cognito-identity | cognito-idp
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cognito-sync | comprehend
2024-04-11 12:36:48 comprehendmedical | compute-optimizer
2024-04-11 12:36:48 connect | connect-contact-lens
2024-04-11 12:36:48 connectcampaigns | connectcases
2024-04-11 12:36:48 connectparticipant | controlcatalog
2024-04-11 12:36:48 controltower | cost-optimization-hub
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cur | customer-profiles
2024-04-11 12:36:48 databrew | dataexchange
2024-04-11 12:36:48 datapipeline | datasync
2024-04-11 12:36:48 datazone | dax
2024-04-11 12:36:48 deadline | detective
2024-04-11 12:36:48 devicefarm | devops-guru
2024-04-11 12:36:48 directconnect | discovery
2024-04-11 12:36:48 dlm | dms
2024-04-11 12:36:48 docdb | docdb-elastic
2024-04-11 12:36:48 drs | ds
2024-04-11 12:36:48 dynamodb | dynamodbstreams
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ebs | ec2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ec2-instance-connect | ecr
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ecr-public | ecs
2024-04-11 12:36:48 efs | eks
2024-04-11 12:36:48 eks-auth | elastic-inference
2024-04-11 12:36:48 elasticache | elasticbeanstalk
2024-04-11 12:36:48 elastictranscoder | elb
2024-04-11 12:36:48 elbv2 | emr
2024-04-11 12:36:48 emr-containers | emr-serverless
2024-04-11 12:36:48 entityresolution | es
2024-04-11 12:36:48 events | evidently
2024-04-11 12:36:48 finspace | finspace-data
2024-04-11 12:36:48 firehose | fis
2024-04-11 12:36:48 fms | forecast
2024-04-11 12:36:48 forecastquery | frauddetector
2024-04-11 12:36:48 freetier | fsx
2024-04-11 12:36:48 gamelift | glacier
2024-04-11 12:36:48 globalaccelerator | glue
2024-04-11 12:36:48 grafana | greengrass
2024-04-11 12:36:48 greengrassv2 | groundstation
2024-04-11 12:36:48 guardduty | health
2024-04-11 12:36:48 healthlake | honeycode
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iam | identitystore
2024-04-11 12:36:48 imagebuilder | importexport
2024-04-11 12:36:48 inspector | inspector-scan
2024-04-11 12:36:48 inspector2 | internetmonitor
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iot | iot-data
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iot-jobs-data | iot1click-devices
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iot1click-projects | iotanalytics
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iotdeviceadvisor | iotevents
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iotevents-data | iotfleethub
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iotfleetwise | iotsecuretunneling
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iotsitewise | iotthingsgraph
2024-04-11 12:36:48 iottwinmaker | iotwireless
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ivs | ivs-realtime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ivschat | kafka
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kafkaconnect | kendra
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kendra-ranking | keyspaces
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kinesis | kinesis-video-archived-media
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kinesis-video-media | kinesis-video-signaling
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kinesis-video-webrtc-storage | kinesisanalytics
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kinesisanalyticsv2 | kinesisvideo
2024-04-11 12:36:48 kms | lakeformation
2024-04-11 12:36:48 lambda | launch-wizard
2024-04-11 12:36:48 lex-models | lex-runtime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 lexv2-models | lexv2-runtime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 license-manager | license-manager-linux-subscriptions
2024-04-11 12:36:48 license-manager-user-subscriptions | lightsail
2024-04-11 12:36:48 location | logs
2024-04-11 12:36:48 lookoutequipment | lookoutmetrics
2024-04-11 12:36:48 lookoutvision | m2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 machinelearning | macie2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 managedblockchain | managedblockchain-query
2024-04-11 12:36:48 marketplace-agreement | marketplace-catalog
2024-04-11 12:36:48 marketplace-deployment | marketplace-entitlement
2024-04-11 12:36:48 marketplacecommerceanalytics | mediaconnect
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mediaconvert | medialive
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mediapackage | mediapackage-vod
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mediapackagev2 | mediastore
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mediastore-data | mediatailor
2024-04-11 12:36:48 medical-imaging | memorydb
2024-04-11 12:36:48 meteringmarketplace | mgh
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mgn | migration-hub-refactor-spaces
2024-04-11 12:36:48 migrationhub-config | migrationhuborchestrator
2024-04-11 12:36:48 migrationhubstrategy | mobile
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mq | mturk
2024-04-11 12:36:48 mwaa | neptune
2024-04-11 12:36:48 neptune-graph | neptunedata
2024-04-11 12:36:48 network-firewall | networkmanager
2024-04-11 12:36:48 networkmonitor | nimble
2024-04-11 12:36:48 oam | omics
2024-04-11 12:36:48 opensearch | opensearchserverless
2024-04-11 12:36:48 opsworks | opsworkscm
2024-04-11 12:36:48 organizations | osis
2024-04-11 12:36:48 outposts | panorama
2024-04-11 12:36:48 payment-cryptography | payment-cryptography-data
2024-04-11 12:36:48 pca-connector-ad | personalize
2024-04-11 12:36:48 personalize-events | personalize-runtime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 pi | pinpoint
2024-04-11 12:36:48 pinpoint-email | pinpoint-sms-voice
2024-04-11 12:36:48 pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 | pipes
2024-04-11 12:36:48 polly | pricing
2024-04-11 12:36:48 privatenetworks | proton
2024-04-11 12:36:48 qbusiness | qconnect
2024-04-11 12:36:48 qldb | qldb-session
2024-04-11 12:36:48 quicksight | ram
2024-04-11 12:36:48 rbin | rds
2024-04-11 12:36:48 rds-data | redshift
2024-04-11 12:36:48 redshift-data | redshift-serverless
2024-04-11 12:36:48 rekognition | repostspace
2024-04-11 12:36:48 resiliencehub | resource-explorer-2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 resource-groups | resourcegroupstaggingapi
2024-04-11 12:36:48 robomaker | rolesanywhere
2024-04-11 12:36:48 route53 | route53-recovery-cluster
2024-04-11 12:36:48 route53-recovery-control-config | route53-recovery-readiness
2024-04-11 12:36:48 route53domains | route53resolver
2024-04-11 12:36:48 rum | s3control
2024-04-11 12:36:48 s3outposts | sagemaker
2024-04-11 12:36:48 sagemaker-a2i-runtime | sagemaker-edge
2024-04-11 12:36:48 sagemaker-featurestore-runtime | sagemaker-geospatial
2024-04-11 12:36:48 sagemaker-metrics | sagemaker-runtime
2024-04-11 12:36:48 savingsplans | scheduler
2024-04-11 12:36:48 schemas | sdb
2024-04-11 12:36:48 secretsmanager | securityhub
2024-04-11 12:36:48 securitylake | serverlessrepo
2024-04-11 12:36:48 service-quotas | servicecatalog
2024-04-11 12:36:48 servicecatalog-appregistry | servicediscovery
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ses | sesv2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 shield | signer
2024-04-11 12:36:48 simspaceweaver | sms
2024-04-11 12:36:48 snow-device-management | snowball
2024-04-11 12:36:48 sns | sqs
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ssm | ssm-contacts
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ssm-incidents | ssm-sap
2024-04-11 12:36:48 sso | sso-admin
2024-04-11 12:36:48 sso-oidc | stepfunctions
2024-04-11 12:36:48 storagegateway | sts
2024-04-11 12:36:48 supplychain | support
2024-04-11 12:36:48 support-app | swf
2024-04-11 12:36:48 synthetics | textract
2024-04-11 12:36:48 timestream-influxdb | timestream-query
2024-04-11 12:36:48 timestream-write | tnb
2024-04-11 12:36:48 transcribe | transfer
2024-04-11 12:36:48 translate | trustedadvisor
2024-04-11 12:36:48 verifiedpermissions | voice-id
2024-04-11 12:36:48 vpc-lattice | waf
2024-04-11 12:36:48 waf-regional | wafv2
2024-04-11 12:36:48 wellarchitected | wisdom
2024-04-11 12:36:48 workdocs | worklink
2024-04-11 12:36:48 workmail | workmailmessageflow
2024-04-11 12:36:48 workspaces | workspaces-thin-client
2024-04-11 12:36:48 workspaces-web | xray
2024-04-11 12:36:48 s3api | s3
2024-04-11 12:36:48 ddb | configure
2024-04-11 12:36:48 deploy | configservice
2024-04-11 12:36:48 opsworks-cm | history
2024-04-11 12:36:48 cli-dev | help
2024-04-11 12:36:48
…which is normally what appears when you attempt an incorrect aws command like this for example:
aws aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Can anyone please help me out? I don’t know if there’s something I’m missing, but I’m really confused as to why this isn’t working. Thank you!
I’ve also tried installing the AWS-CLI in the container per these instructions but had no luck and ran into issues like this when running many commands:
debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
dpkg: warning: 'diff' not found in PATH or not executable
dpkg: error: 1 expected program not found in PATH or not executable
Note: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
…even though my Path is set properly
Per David Maze's responses, "the base image declares ENTRYPOINT ["aws"] and so it doesn't run normal shell commands", the solution was to change my Dockerfile like this:
This is because the image you grabbed in the docker
directive makes use ofentrypoint
(see https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#entrypoint)Try doing the run like so instead:
Remove the
flag to test it out.Or modify your docker file like so (i haven’t tested this tho):