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I’m trying to build a custom Products Page. When a product meets certain conditions then my app will render that product in that custom products page.

How can I implement this? Thanks!



  1. Creating a custom storefront for a products page involves several steps. Here’s a general guide along with examples:

    Set up your development environment:

    Ensure you have a development environment set up for your web application. You can use frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, Angular, or even plain HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
    Retrieve products from Shopify:

    Use the Shopify API to fetch products from your Shopify store. You’ll need to authenticate with the API using your API key and password.
    Here’s an example using JavaScript and Fetch API:

    const fetchProducts = async () => {
        const response = await fetch('', {
            headers: {
                'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa('YOUR_API_KEY' + ':' + 'YOUR_API_PASSWORD')
        const data = await response.json();
        return data.products;
    // Call the function to fetch products
    fetchProducts().then(products => {

    Replace ‘YOUR_STORE_NAME’, ‘YOUR_API_KEY’, and ‘YOUR_API_PASSWORD’ with your actual Shopify store name, API key, and password respectively.

    Filter products based on certain conditions:

    Once you have fetched the products, filter them based on your custom conditions. For example, you may want to display products that are in a certain price range, have a specific tag, or belong to a particular collection.
    Render products on your custom page:

    Use HTML and CSS (or your chosen frontend framework) to design and create your custom products page.
    Use JavaScript to dynamically render the filtered products onto this page. You can generate HTML elements dynamically based on the filtered product data.
    Here’s a simplified example using plain JavaScript to render products:

    const renderProducts = (products) => {
        const productList = document.getElementById('product-list');
        productList.innerHTML = '';
        products.forEach(product => {
            const productElement = document.createElement('div');
            productElement.innerHTML = `
                <p>Price: $${product.variants[0].price}</p>
    // Assume products is an array of filtered products
    const filteredProducts = [...]; 
    // Call the function to render products on the page

    Styling your custom products page:

    Apply CSS styles to your custom products page to make it visually appealing and cohesive with the rest of your website or web application.
    Testing and Deployment:

    Test your custom products page thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.
    Deploy your changes to your production environment.
    By following these steps, you can create a custom storefront for your products page that renders products based on certain conditions. Make sure to handle errors gracefully and provide a seamless user experience.

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  2. I see, you want to dynamically check if a clicked product meets certain criteria and then load it onto a custom page. Here’s how you can achieve this:

    Set up your development environment: Ensure you have a web development environment ready, and you’ve integrated the Shopify API to fetch products.

    Retrieve products from Shopify: Fetch products from your Shopify store using the Shopify API, as mentioned in the previous steps.

    Display products on your storefront: Display the fetched products on your storefront’s product page. Each product should be a clickable element that triggers an action when clicked.

    Check clicked product criteria: When a user clicks on a product, capture that event and check if the clicked product meets your criteria. For example, you might want to check if the product belongs to a specific category, has a certain tag, or falls within a particular price range.

    // Assuming productClicked is the clicked product object
    const productMeetsCriteria = (productClicked) => {
        // Check your custom criteria here
        return productClicked.price <= 100; // Example: Show products under $100

    Redirect to custom page if criteria are met: If the clicked product meets your criteria, redirect the user to your custom page where the product will be displayed.

    // Assuming redirectToCustomPage is a function to redirect the user
    if (productMeetsCriteria(productClicked)) {

    Load the product on the custom page: On your custom page, use JavaScript to receive the product data from the URL parameters (or any other method you prefer), and then render the product accordingly.

    // Assuming getProductFromURL is a function to retrieve product data from URL parameters
    const productData = getProductFromURL();

    Styling your custom page: Apply CSS styles to your custom page to ensure it looks visually appealing and cohesive with the rest of your website.

    Testing and Deployment: Test your custom product page thoroughly to ensure it functions as expected, and then deploy it to your production environment.

    By following these steps, you can create a dynamic workflow where users are redirected to a custom page when they click on products that meet certain criteria.

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