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I was running a powershell script and it was throwing the error

##[error]The term 'New-AzActionGroupReceiver' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

As it belongs to the module, Az.Monitor, I tried installing it before the command

"New-AzActionGroupReceiver -Name $name -EmailReceiver -EmailAddress $item"
is executed. I installed the module using

Install-Module -Name Az.Monitor -Force

the error still remained the same

I was running the script over an azure devops pipeline, despite my attempt to install the module and deploy, it failed



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Looks like the issue is with the version,thanks for the inputs @Vinay B the cmdlets which we have been using might be deprecated, we can use the below commands, instead of the commands which we have used before, i.e., use

    New-AzActionGroupEmailReceiverObject -Name $name -EmailAddress $item

    instead of

    New-AzActionGroupReceiver -Name $name -EmailReceiver -EmailAddress $item

    and use

    New-AzActionGroup -Name $ActionGroupName -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName -ShortName $ActionGroupShortName -Location $DefaultLocation -EmailReceiver $actionGroupEmailReceiver

    instead of

    Set-AzActionGroup -Name $ActionGroupName -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName -ShortName $ActionGroupShortName -Location $DefaultLocation -EmailReceiver $actionGroupEmailReceiver

  2. ‘New-AzActionGroupReceiver’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program is due to version issue.

    The error message "The term ‘New-AzActionGroupReceiver’ is not recognized" indicates that PowerShell doesn’t recognize the command, likely because the corresponding module isn’t installed or properly loaded or the version of the powershell Installed.

    Since you followed the steps to Re-Installing the module this may also be due to version of PowerShell provider.

    Follow the command mentioned below to overcome the issue you mentioned.

    • check with the version you’re using
      enter image description here

    • Ensure that you installed the module correctly. You can verify this by running the following command

      Get-InstalledModule -Name Az.Monitor

      If the module is not listed, try reinstalling it

      Install-Module -Name Az.Monitor -Force

    • After installing the module, make sure you import it into your PowerShell session. Use the following command

      Import-Module -Name Az.Monitor

      To verify the command is recognizable follow the command below

      Get-Command -Name New-AzActionGroupReceiver

    enter image description here

    • Now follow the command below to provision the requiement youre looking for

      Import-Module Az.Monitor
      $name = "vinay kumar"
      $item = "your mail ID"
      New-AzActionGroupReceiver -Name $name -EmailReceiver -EmailAddress $item

    enter image description here

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