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I am trying to integrate CHATGPT by open ai to my discord server.

this is the code:

import discord
import openai

intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True

# Discord and Openai
openai.api_key = "key"

# Initialize a client object for Discord bot
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)

# Function that sends message to OpenAI API and gets response
async def ask_gpt(message):
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            {"role": "user", "content": message.content}
    answer = response.choices[0].message.content
    return answer

# Listener that checks for messages in Discord
async def on_message(message):
    # Ignore messages from the bot itself
    if == client.user:
    # Sends message to OpenAI API
    response = await ask_gpt(message)
    # Sends response back to channel

# Start the bot

I’m using pycharm.

IT has errors:
no module named ‘discord’
no module named ‘openai’

When I try to run it the terminal says:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:UsersMy", line 1, in <module>
    import discord
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'discord'

I already installed the modules using "pip install discord" and "pip install openai"
I even restarted my pc in hoping that it would be fixed but no luck :V. I’m an absolute beginner in programming in fact I just copy and pasted this from a video on youtube.

[enter image description here](

Tried restarting my pc.
Tried using Visual Code Studio.
Checked if the modules are installed. CMD and pyCharm terminal says it is installed.



  1. Did you activated your env?


    source env/bin/activate for linux

    and windows .envbinactivate.bat

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  2. I had this problem sometimes because pip wasn’t using the right Python (e.g. I had 3.12 as python3 and pip installed it into the 3.11 site-packages directory).

    Instead of using your current aliases, you can be extremely explicit:

    • Instead using the pip or pip3 command, use python3 -m pip.
    • Use which python3 to find the absolute path for your desired Python installation. In my case it’s /usr/bin/python3 (I don’t use venvs), but if it’s in a venv in might be something like .venv/bin/python3. Pass this as the --python argument to pip (before install). This will force pip to use that Python.
    • If pip complains “normal site-packages is not writable”, try again with sudo.

    For example:

    sudo python3 -m pip --python .venv/bin/python3 install openai discord
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