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I was setting up a react pro sidebar:

import { HiInbox } from "react-icons/hi";
<MenuItem component={<Link to="/documentation" />} icon={<HiInbox />}> Documentation</MenuItem>

Does anyone know what the syntax of icon={<HiInbox />} means? How is it different than icon={HiInbox} which doesn’t work?

And why does flowbite react sidebar syntax not need it?

      <Sidebar.Item href="#" icon={HiChartPie}>



  1. It means that the icon property of MenuItem accepts a jsx fragment.

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  2. When you use a component (functional or class-based) in JSX:

    <Component />

    It is similar to running the function Component(), but in a syntax that is easier to use for hierarchal markup.

    Therefore it depends on the implementation of the component as different components will expect to take in a jsx component directly (Like with MenuItem), and others will take in the component and then build a jsx component from it themselves (As with Sidebar.Item).

    Here’s an analogous example with functions instead of components:

    function increment(x) {
        return x + 1;
    function takes_function(f) {
        return f(10);
    function takes_result(x) {
        return increment(x);
    takes_function(increment);   // 11
    takes_result(increment(10)); // 11

    In this example, takes_function takes in a function that outputs a number (Analagous to Sidebar.Item) while takes_result takes in the result of a function (Analagous to MenuItem).

    Basically, it just depends on the internal design of the component you are importing. So you just need to give each prop what it asks for.

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