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I’m new to typo3 and I installed it today, and after the last step I picked "take me straight to the backend". So it took me to the login site ***/TYPO3/login
It says "Not Found, The requested url was not Found on this server" When I open the normal site without the login, it says "404 page not Found, the page did not exist or was inaccessible. Reason: No site configuration found"

I can access the login page with ***/typo3/ but when I try to login I get the same error "not Found. The request url…"

Can someone help me?
I installed this on Ubuntu server with this tutorial

I searched in the web for solutions but I couldn’t find anything useful



  1. Very likely you didn’t copy the .htaccess file in the web-directory.

    The default file can be copied from here:

    1. in composer installations:

    2. in legacy installations (non-composer):

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  2. As you have added the tag "typo3-8.x" to your question we have to assume that you are trying to install TYPO3 8.x (e.g. the LTS version 8.7), based on the classic archive. This version was released in 2017, 5 years before the article linked in your question and now 7 years ago. The system requirements of that version conflict with what is described in the article. It is likely that this results in the described issue. Also this version is outside of the free and since March 2024 also outside of the commercial support window and should therefore not be used anymore.

    The current version that should be used for new projects is LTS 12.4 ("stable").
    It can be downloaded here:

    You’ll find the current system requirements and the different ways to install TYPO3 on that page. It is recommended to use a Composer based installation instead of the classic archives.

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