I am trying to construct a full text search where half words should be matched. In my example, the column value is ‘offer’ and the search term is ‘off’. I construct the query like this. The first line does NOT return the row, but the second line does.
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE to_tsvector(my_column) @@ to_tsquery('off:*')
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE to_tsvector(my_column) @@ to_tsquery('offe:*')
in both cases, the term passed to to_tsquery should match the column value (‘offer’).
Now, I tried to simplify this by hardcoding the value of to_tsvector:
SELECT 1 WHERE to_tsvector('offer') @@ to_tsquery('offe:*') -> returns 1
SELECT 1 WHERE to_tsvector('offer') @@ to_tsquery('off:*') -> Does not return anything.
This does not make any sense to me, because both ‘offe’ and ‘off’ are contained by ‘offer’. Can anyone explain that behaviour to me?
"Off" is an English stop word, so it is removed by
with the English text search configuration.to_tsquery still applies stemming and stop words, and "off" is a stop word in English, so it gets removed. (having removed the only lexeme in the string, it will then publish a NOTICE, but if you don’t process NOTICEs on the client I guess you wouldn’t know that.)
To bypass stemming and stop words, you could enter the tsquery directly:
Of course if you use a stemming (or stop word) using configuration along with partial matching, then you are living in a state of sin.