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I have something like:

Some MY_WORD stupid txt='other text MY_WORD' and another MY_WORD  stupid text and txt='something else MY_WORD' and also txt='here nothing to replace' and here txt='again to replace MY_WORD here'

I want to replace MY_WORD with OTHER_WORD but only if it is inside txt=' and '


Some MY_WORD stupid txt='other text OTHER_WORD' and another MY_WORD  stupid text and txt='something else OTHER_WORD' and also txt='here nothing to replace' and hexe txt='again to replace OTHER_WORD here'

But look behind is not supported in all browsers, so it is not good approach.

A tried with this but even it says there are groups of matches, I $3 is empty.




  1. You can match the text between txt=' and ' using a simple txt='[^']*' regex. Then, upon finding the matches, replace all occurrences of MY_WORD with what you need inside an arrow function:

    text.replace(/txt='[^']*'/g, (x) => x.replace(/MY_WORD/g, 'NEW_WORD'))

    where x stands for the whole match.

    See the JavaScript demo:

    var text = "Some MY_WORD stupid txt='other text MY_WORD' and another MY_WORD  stupid text and txt='something else MY_WORD' and also txt='here nothing to replace' and here txt='again to replace MY_WORD here'";
    console.log( text.replace(/txt='[^']*'/g, (x) => x.replace(/MY_WORD/g, 'NEW_WORD')) );
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  2. I would just search for txt = '...MY_WORD and replace it with the help
    of a capturing group before MY_WORD. Also, handle optional spaces around
    the equal sign and be sure that MY_WORD is a full word and not part of
    a word (such as DUMMY_WORD) by also matching word boundaries with b.

    The regex pattern:


    I use [^']* instead of .*.

    Full JS working example where you can change the input to test it:

    const regex = /(txts*=s*'[^']*)bMY_WORDb/g;
    const replacement = `$1OTHER_WORD`;
     * This function is used to call a specific function callback only once
     * at the time. This is to avoid multiple events such as 'input' to run
     * multiple times and lead to a non-responding browser.
     * @param {function} callback The function to call.
    function onlyOnceAtATime(callback) {
      // Keep track of all the running callbacks.
      let runningCallbacks = new Map();
      return function (...args) {
        if (runningCallbacks.has( {
        runningCallbacks.set(, true);
    // When the document is ready, attach the event handlers.
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
      const input = document.getElementById("input");
      const output = document.getElementById("output");
      function updateOutput() {
        output.value = input.value.replace(regex, replacement);
      // Each change in the input textarea should update the output textarea.
      input.addEventListener('input', onlyOnceAtATime(updateOutput));
      // When clicking in the output textarea, select all the text.
      output.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
        const target =;
        target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length);
      // For the first load, calculate the output.
    .form-element {
      margin: 1em 0;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
    label {
      padding-bottom: .2em;
      &::after {
        content: " :";
    textarea[readonly] {
      background: silver;
    <form action="#">
      <div class="form-element">
        <label for="input">Input</label>
        <textarea name="input" id="input" cols="80" rows="5">Some MY_WORD stupid txt='other text MY_WORD' and another MY_WORD  stupid text and txt='something else MY_WORD' and also txt='here nothing to replace' and here txt='again to replace MY_WORD here'</textarea>
      <div class="form-element">
        <label for="output">Output with <code>MY_WORD</code> replaced by <code>OTHER_WORD</code></label>
        <textarea name="output" id="output" cols="80" rows="5" readonly></textarea>
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