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I have a v-data-table which includes dates that have been formatted with dayjs to "MM/DD/YYYY" however some dates are null since they have not been completed yet. I am trying to add sorting in the header array for this formatted date column by:

        { title: 'Memo Date', key: 'memo_date', align: 'center', visible: true, filtered: [], sort: 
      function(a: string, b: string) {
        if (a == null && b == null) 
          let c = dayjs().format("MM/DD/YYYY")

          return 0
        else if (a == null) {
          let c = dayjs().format("MM/DD/YYYY")
          return (dayjs(c).diff(dayjs(b)))
        } else if (b == null) 
          let c = dayjs().format("MM/DD/YYY")
          return (dayjs(a).diff(dayjs(c)))
        return dayjs(a).diff(dayjs(b))

However, the ordering does not seem to put these null dates as the most recent date to sort ahead of the actually dates. For instance, if the date is null i try to convert it to today so it is ordered as the newest item but this does not seem to work as expected.

Based on the recent answer I have posted a potential usage for sorting but still the null dates are showing up as earlier dates whereas I want those to be considered the newest dates:

const customDateSort = (a : string, b : string) => {
  const aDate = String((new Date(a)).getTime())
  const bDate = String((new Date(b)).getTime())
  return aDate.localeCompare(bDate)



  1. If you want to compare Dates, you can convert them to epoch timestamps aka the time elapsed since January 1, 1970, UTC.

    new Date().getTime()                               // 1717088172916, now's time
    new Date("Thu, 2 January 1970 00:00:00").getTime() // 82800000

    The lower the number, the older it is. Simplest way to sort them I think.

    Here is a decent article on the subject.

    Otherwise, Temporal API probably has some functions for that use-case. Or using any kind of date library should have such a feature too, but using a vanilla JS solution is always nice.

    To filter on the array to convert into current time if null, then sort properly each timestamp

    [42, "Thu, 2 January 1970 00:00:00", null, "Thu Jan 10 2023 19:23:55 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)"].map(date => {
      if(!date) { // if null
        return date = new Date().getTime() // set it to the current time
      return new Date(date).getTime() // otherwise, convert the regular Date format into a timestamp
    }).sort((a, b) => a - b)
    // [42, 82800000, 1673371435000, 1717090069492]
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  2. This may be a problem with how the comparator function works. It seems that you are also trying to sort dates in descending order by default as well which can be a bit confusing to put into code.

    take for example

    (today: dayjs, yesterday: dayjs) => {
      return today.diff(yesterday)

    today.diff(yesterday) will return a positive integer, which sorts today after yesterday (yesterday is on top)

    To solve this, I think you should try reversing your .diff() order:

    function(a: string, b: string) {
        let today = dayjs()
        if (a == null && b == null) 
          return 0
        else if (a == null) {
          // "a" is null, so we should return
          // a negative value by diffing a past date with a future day
          return (dayjs(b).diff(today))
        } else if (b == null) 
          // the reverse of above, return a positive value
          return (today.diff(dayjs(a)))
        // lastly, reverse this as well
        return dayjs(b).diff(dayjs(a))
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