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I want to use a SELECT query with an IN clause, as well as Order by value same as IN clause


select * 
from table 
where column_xyz IN ('124','225','111') // Here values must be in single quotes in query

Output needs to be fetched : 124,225,111

Tried query :

  select * 
    from table 
    where column_xyz IN ('124','225','111') order by field(column_xyz,'124','225','111')

In mysql we have option called ‘FIELD’ but for postgres I am unable to work with ‘FIELD’ i.e it didn’t work



  1. select t.* 
    from the_table t
    inner join
     unnest(array[124,225,111]::integer[]) with ordinality as a(v, o)
     on column_xyz = v
    order by o;
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  2. As you pointed out, Postgres does not directly support any function like MySQL’s FIELD() function. The canonical way to do this in ANSI SQL uses a CASE expression in the ORDER BY clause:

    SELECT * 
    FROM yourTable
    WHERE xyz IN ('124', '225', '111')
    ORDER BY CASE xyz WHEN '124' THEN 1 WHEN '225' THEN 2 WHEN '111' THEN 3 END;

    In case you actually need to sort many more than 3 possible xyz values, then you should maintain a table which maps each xyz value to its sort order:

    table: xyz_ord
    xyz | ord
    124 | 1
    225 | 2
    111 | 3

    Then, join to this table and use the ord column to sort your original query:

    SELECT t1.* 
    FROM yourTable t1
    INNER JOIN xyz_ord t2
        ON =
    WHERE IN ('124', '225', '111')
    ORDER BY t2.ord;
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