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I am working with PHP, JS, and currently trying to use CKEditor 5 with a Build version. At the moment, I am stuck with image upload. I had to develop my own uploader in JavaScript.

Here is the JavaScript code:

class MyUploadAdapter {
  constructor(loader) {
    this.loader = loader;
    console.log("MyUploadAdapter initialized");

  upload() {
    console.log("Upload started");
    return this.loader.file.then(
      (file) =>
        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          this._initListeners(resolve, reject, file);

  abort() {
    if (this.xhr) {
      console.log("Upload aborted");

  _initRequest() {
    const xhr = (this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest());"POST", "../admin/uploader", true);
    xhr.responseType = "json";
    console.log("Request initialized");

  _initListeners(resolve, reject, file) {
    const xhr = this.xhr;
    const loader = this.loader;
    const genericErrorText = `Couldn't upload file: ${}.`;

    xhr.addEventListener("error", () => {
      console.log("Error event occurred");
    xhr.addEventListener("abort", () => {
      console.log("Upload aborted");
    xhr.addEventListener("load", () => {
      console.log("Upload completed");
      const response = xhr.response;
      console.log("Response received", response);

      if (!response || response.error) {
          "Error in response",
          response ? response.error : "No response"
        return reject(
          response && response.error ? response.error.message : genericErrorText

      console.log("Upload successful, URL:", response.url);
        default: response.url,

    if (xhr.upload) {
      xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", (evt) => {
        if (evt.lengthComputable) {
          loader.uploadTotal =;
          loader.uploaded = evt.loaded;
          console.log(`Progress: ${evt.loaded}/${}`);

  _sendRequest(file) {
    const data = new FormData();
    data.append("upload", file);
    console.log("Sending request with file:",;

function MyCustomUploadAdapterPlugin(editor) {
  editor.plugins.get("FileRepository").createUploadAdapter = (loader) => {
    return new MyUploadAdapter(loader);

function initializeEditors() {
    .forEach(function (editor) {
      if (!editor.classList.contains("initialized")) {
        ClassicEditor.create(editor, {
          removePlugins: ["MediaEmbedToolbar"],
          extraPlugins: [MyCustomUploadAdapterPlugin],
          mediaEmbed: {
            previewsInData: true,
          .then(() => {
            console.log("Editor initialized");
          .catch((error) => {

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initializeEditors);

And here is my PHP code:


// Start output buffering

header('Content-Type: application/json');

    echo "POST request receivedn";
    if (isset($_FILES['upload']) && $_FILES['upload']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        echo "File upload detectedn";
        $uploadDir = '../assets/img/uploader/';
        if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
            echo "Directory does not exist, creating...n";
            mkdir($uploadDir, 0777, true); 
        } else {
            echo "Directory existsn";

        $fileName = uniqid() . '_' . basename($_FILES['upload']['name']);
        $uploadPath = $uploadDir . $fileName;
        echo "File will be uploaded to: $uploadPathn";
        if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadPath)) {
            echo "File uploaded successfullyn";
            echo json_encode(array('url' => $uploadPath));
        } else {
            echo "File upload failedn";
            echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Erreur lors du téléchargement du fichier.'));
    } else {
        echo "No file uploaded or error detectedn";
        echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Aucun fichier téléchargé ou une erreur s'est produite.'));
} else {
    echo "Invalid request methodn";
    echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Méthode de requête non autorisée.'));

// Send the output buffer and end output buffering

In my console, I see this:

MyUploadAdapter initialized
admin.js:395 Upload started
admin.js:417 Request initialized
admin.js:468 Sending request with file: téléchargement.jpeg
admin.js:459 Progress: 8981/8981
admin.js:434 Upload completed
admin.js:436 Response received null
admin.js:439 Error in response No response

When I check my folder …/img/uploader/, I see my uploaded images.

However, my problem is that when I upload my image, I get this browser pop-up:

"Couldn’t upload file: téléchargement.jpeg."

Then my image disappears from my front end.

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you very much for your help; I have been stuck on this for 2 weeks.

  • Checking the console: The console shows that the upload process starts, progresses, and completes, but the response is null.

  • Inspecting the PHP code: The PHP code appears to handle the file upload correctly, saving files to the specified directory. The uploaded files are indeed present in the directory.

  • Verifying server responses: The server is supposed to return a JSON response with the file URL, but it seems that the JavaScript code does not receive this response.

  • Looking at potential errors in the upload process: The JavaScript code logs various stages of the upload process, but the final response is either missing or contains an error.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks! I don't have the problem anymore, but now when I save, this is the data I get :

    <figure class="image ck-widget image_resized ck-widget_selected"
    style="width:49.19%;" contenteditable="false">
     empty image 


    Do you know guys why i got this ? This is not the first time..

    Thanks you a lot

  2. I believe the problem is because of all the extra outputting the php script is doing. So it is therefore not returning the json expected. I set up a test and commented out all the extra "echo" lines and it worked.

    // Start output buffering
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
      //echo "POST request receivedn";
      if (isset($_FILES['upload']) && $_FILES['upload']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        //echo "File upload detectedn";
        $uploadDir = '../assets/img/uploader/';
        if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
          //echo "Directory does not exist, creating...n";
          mkdir($uploadDir, 0777, true);
        } else {
          //echo "Directory existsn";
        $fileName = uniqid() . '_' . basename($_FILES['upload']['name']);
        $uploadPath = $uploadDir . $fileName;
        //echo "File will be uploaded to: $uploadPathn";
        if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadPath)) {
          //echo "File uploaded successfullyn";
          echo json_encode(array('url' => $uploadPath));
        } else {
          //echo "File upload failedn";
          echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Erreur lors du téléchargement du fichier.'));
      } else {
        //echo "No file uploaded or error detectedn";
        echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Aucun fichier téléchargé ou une erreur s'est produite.'));
    } else {
      //echo "Invalid request methodn";
      echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Méthode de requête non autorisée.'));
    // Send the output buffer and end output buffering
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