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I have two accounts (user account and a service account).

Both of these accounts have their access set in the project that my Artifact Registry repository exists.

Now, the annoying part is, I cannot seem to authenticate Docker to push my locally built image to the Artifact Registry repository even when I used the gcloud CLI credential helper method in the docs.

Here’s what in my $HOME/.docker/config.json file.

    "auths": {},
    "credsStore": "desktop",
    "credHelpers": {
        "": "gcloud"
    "currentContext": "desktop-linux"

This is the error message I got.

denied: Unauthenticated request. Unauthenticated requests do not have permission "artifactregistry.repositories.uploadArtifacts" on resource "projects/project-id/locations/asia-southeast1/repositories/repository-name" (or it may not exist)

Steps I have used to push an image to my repository (Artifact Registry) in my project.

1.      gcloud artifacts repositories create repository-name 
  1. gcloud auth configure-docker

  2. docker build . --tag IMAGE_URL

  3. docker push IMAGE_URL

I have done these steps locally on my terminal using the two accounts I have above.
Frustratingly, nothing seems to work no matter how I tried.
I also tried gcloud auth login and service account impersonation as well.

However, prior to all my failed attempts, I did manage to push the image ONCE from my terminal. But that’s it. It wouldn’t seem to work anymore. Can anyone help me please?



  1. "Unauthenticated request" means that Artifact Registry isn’t receiving auth, so something is going wrong on the client side. has detailed info on how to authenticate.

    Permissions/roles (other than allUsers) do not matter at this point since there is no auth for Artifact Registry to check

    It’s impossible to know what’s wrong with your setup, but a common pitfall is using sudo for docker push but not for the auth configuration commands. I would also double-check $HOME/.docker/config.json

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  2. Based on the steps that you provided, can you retry pushing again through the service account key method after doing step 4:

    cat KEY-FILE | docker login -u KEY-TYPE --password-stdin

    Replace the following:

    KEY-TYPE is one of the following:
    _json_key if you are using the service account key in JSON format as it was provided when you created the file. _json_key_base64 if you base64-encoded the all contents of the file. KEY-FILE is the name of the service account key file in JSON format. LOCATION is the regional or multi-regional location of the repository where the image is stored.

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