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I have a page which displays a filter-style menu that users can click to display particular listing category. When they click a listing thumbnail it opens the full listing page. At the top of that page is a "Back" text link. I need that link to return to the exact filtered category of the previous page.

The filtered category URL is something like this:


On the "Back" text link of the full listing page, I’ve tried:

<a href="javascript:history.back()">Back</a>

and also tried:

<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Back</a>

However, those only return to
/residential instead of /residential/#listing-category

How do I get the Back link to return to the full URL (e.g. /residential/#listing-category)?



  1. Here is one of the methods:

    Assume the previous page is Page A (URL is: /residential/#listing-category) while the destination page is Page B (URL is /destination/)

    1. On Page A, when you click on a link to Page B, record the hash part using either var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); or var hash = $(location).attr('hash'); (if you have jQuery)

    2. Save the hash variable in the cookie.

    3. Navigate to the Page B.

    4. In Page B, set the "back link" with the Page A URL combined with the cookie hash value.

    Alternatively, you can save the whole URL of Page A in a cookie before you navigate, then set the "back link" with the Page A URL stored in the cookie just now on Page B. The first method is more flexible, though.

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  2. Store the URL in session storage

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