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Error: Flutter failed to run "/Users/grc/Downloads/whizconnect-flutter-master/whizconnect-flutter-master/android/gradlew -q -Ptarget-platform=android-arm64 -Ptarget=/Users/grc/Downloads/whizconnect-flutter-master/whizconnect-flutter-master/lib/main.dart -Pdart-defines=Zmx1dHRlci5pbnNwZWN0b3Iuc3RydWN0dXJlZEVycm9ycz10cnVl,RkxVVFRFUl9XRUJfQ0FOVkFTS0lUX1VSTD1odHRwczovL3d3dy5nc3RhdGljLmNvbS9mbHV0dGVyLWNhbnZhc2tpdC9lZGQ4NTQ2MTE2NDU3YmRmMWM1YmRmYjEzZWNiOTQ2M2QyYmI1ZWQ0Lw== -Pdart-obfuscation=false -Ptrack-widget-creation=true -Ptree-shake-icons=false -Pfilesystem-scheme=org-dartlang-root assembleDebug".
Please ensure that the SDK and/or project is installed in a location that has read/write permissions for the current user.

I am using mac and not able to fix this issue. Not able to run the app.



  1. The error indicates that you haven’t installed Flutter properly. Follow the documentation and install it correctly:

    Also try to give your user permissions to the directory that you installed flutter in:

    sudo chmod u+rwx /Path/to/flutter/sdk
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  2. First, ensure that Flutter SDK is correctly installed and configured on your system:

    Open Terminal and run flutter doctor. This command checks your Flutter installation and reports any issues.

    Second, ensure your project directory (/Users/grc/Downloads/whizconnect-flutter-master/whizconnect-flutter-master) has "Read & Write" permissions for your user:

    Step 1: Navigate to your project directory (/Users/grc/Downloads/whizconnect-flutter-master/whizconnect-flutter-master) in Finder.

    Step 2: Right-click on the project folder, select "Get Info," and ensure your user account has "Read & Write" permissions under the "Sharing & Permissions" section.

    Lastly, run flutter clean, flutter pub get, and then try flutter run again to rebuild the project

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