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My intention here is to create a search component page, that has a form and a table, that can vary on fields and result.

Let’s supose a component that receive a couple of children:

const SearchPage = ({title}) => {
    function handleSubmit() {...}
    return (
            <div className="form">
            <div className="table">

and now using this component:

const MyPage = () => {
    return (
        <SearchPage title="Search for fruits">
            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>   <!--this is children[0]-->
                <input useSomethingFromSearchPageHere></input>
            <table>                         <!--this is children[1]-->

How access SearchPage variables and methods from children fragments?
This is the right way of doing this?



  1. How about using props, i know this goes against question but it is the best way to do this. I also added types for clarity but please omit if not using typescript.

    interface SearchPageProps {
      title: string;
      generateForm: (event: React.FormEvent) => React.ReactNode;
      table: React.ReactNode;
    export const SearchPage: React.FC<SearchPageProps> = ({ title, form, table }) => {
      const handleSubmit = (event: React.FormEvent) => {
      return (
          <div className="form">
          <div className="table">
    const MyPage = () => {
      return (
          title="Search Page"
          generateForm={(event) => <input useSomethingFromSearchPageHere></input>}
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  2. To achieve your goal of accessing SearchPage variables and methods from its children components, you can utilize React’s context system.

    First, define a new context that will be used to pass the handleSubmit method and any other necessary data or methods.

    import React, { createContext, useContext, useCallback } from 'react';
    // Create the context
    const SearchPageContext = createContext();
    // Custom hook to use the context
    export const useSearchPage = () => useContext(SearchPageContext);

    Update the SearchPage component to use the SearchPageContext.Provider to pass down the handleSubmit method and any other necessary state or functions.

    const SearchPage = ({ title, children }) => {
     const handleSubmit = useCallback((event) => {
         // Your submit logic here
     }, []);
    // The value object includes everything you want to expose to children
    const value = { handleSubmit };
    return (
        <SearchPageContext.Provider value={value}>
                <div className="form">
                <div className="table">

    In your child components (e.g., the form inside MyPage), you can now use the useSearchPage hook to access handleSubmit and any other data or methods you’ve provided.

    const MyPage = () => {
    const { handleSubmit } = useSearchPage(); // Use the custom hook to access context
    return (
        <SearchPage title="Search for fruits">
            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
                <input placeholder="Search..." />
                {/* other form elements */}
                {/* table contents */}
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