I’m using MathML embedded in HTML to put mathematical expressions in an HTML document. I’m having difficulty with properly formatting mathematical expressions containing "Δx". The MathML expressions <math><mrow><mi mathvariant="normal">Δ</mi><mi>x</mi></mrow></math>
and <math><mrow><mo>Δ</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow></math>
each yield "Δ x" (i.e. with space between "Δ" and "x"), while <math><mi>Δx</mi></math>
yields "Δx" (i.e. "x" isn’t italicized).
Is there a generally accepted way to properly format "Δx" using MathML?
The the MathML
<math><mrow><mo lspace="0" rspace="0">Δ</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow></math>
yields "Δx".Another solution, MathML
yields "Δ𝑥".Note that
(𝑥) is an HTML entity for the mathematical italic small x character.