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I’m building a Flutter app with multiple screens, and I’m using named routes for navigation. I want to navigate back to a specific screen in the route stack, not just the previous screen.

For example, I have a home screen (/home), a cart screen (/cart), and a orders screen (/orders). From the orders screen, I want to navigate back directly to the home screen, skipping the cart screen. How can I achieve this using named routes in Flutter?



  1. I believe you can use

    Navigator.popUntil(context, ModalRoute.withName('/home'));
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  2. You can navigate to the desired screen by just providing it’s name (in Named Routes):

    • To just navigate to home screen (add it to route stack):

    • To navigate to home screen but (replace the current screen with it)

    • To navigate to home and remove all routes in the stack

        Navigator.of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil("Home", (route) => false);

    it’s supposed you have the routes names predefined or handled by onGenerateRoute method

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  3. To navigate back to a specific screen using named routes in Flutter, you can use the Navigator’s "popUntil" method. This method allows you to pop the route stack until a specific condition is met. In your case, you can use it to pop all routes until you reach the home screen.

    Navigator.popUntil(context, ModalRoute.withName('/home'));

    You can also read more about it in official docs here

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