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In my pipeline I have the following steps:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


    - name: install additional packages
      # graphics: transfig gnuplot inkscape 
      # pdf utilities: poppler-utils (pdfinfo, pdftotext)
      # Perl modules Capture::Tiny in libcapture-tiny-perl
      run: sudo apt-get install -y transfig gnuplot inkscape poppler-utils libcapture-tiny-perl
    - name: install perl modules
      run: |
        sudo cpan App::cpanminus
        sudo cpanm Cwd File::Spec::Functions Capture::Tiny DateTime DateTime::Format::ISO8601

Whereas the first step runs 30 secs the second one sometimes requires 3-4 minutes.
I wonder whether on ubuntu the modules are available via apt-get or there is another way to speed up…Caching?



  1. Install all of the modules using apt or apt-get.

    • File::Spec::Functions is provided by system package perl or perl-base.
    • Cwd is provided by system package perl or perl-base.
    • Capture::Tiny is provided by system package libcapture-tiny-perl.
    • DateTime::Format::ISO8601 by system package libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl.
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  2. You can tell both cpan and cpanm to install without tests which will be much faster:

    sudo cpan -T App::cpanminus
    sudo cpanm -n Cwd File::Spec::Functions Capture::Tiny DateTime DateTime::Format::ISO8601
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