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In Azure Monitoring logs, I have a whole bunch of data being passed from numerous servers and I want to be able to filter out certain records based on the server name being in a list of servers

Something like

| where event contains "memory"
| extend x = parse_json(tostring(event))
| where x.daemon in table('List_of_Servers')
| extend y = parse_json(tostring(x.msg))
| where toint(substring(tostring(y.memory), 0, 3)) >= 200

The problem is that I can’t find any method of storing a static list of server names that I can just refer to.

I can embed the list in the query but I’d prefer to have one single central list for all the different queries.

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.



  1. The problem is that I can’t find any method of storing a static list of server names that I can just refer to.

    You can do that by using below way:

    Firstly, create Data Collection Endpoint in Monitor in the same region as the Log Analytics Workspace:

    enter image description here

    Then in Log Analytics Workspace, In Table section Create a table using DCR:

    enter image description here

    Then provide a name and create a new data collection rule:

    enter image description here

    Then select the endpoint created before:

    enter image description here

    Then provide the json file, in which you want to store the server list:

    enter image description here

    My sample json file contains:

        "ServerName": "Rith_Server1"
        "ServerName": "Cho_Server2"
        "ServerName": "Test_Server3"
        "ServerName": "Don_Server4"
        "ServerName": "T_Server5"

    then it looks like below and click on next:

    enter image description here

    Then table gets created:

    enter image description here

    Or you can also create table using code. Also check this test-fiddle with let.

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  2. Some more options not listened in the other answer:

    Azure Storage

    Create a CSV file and put in a blob container, you can then reference it like this using a Shared Access Signature:

    let servers = externaldata(serverid:string, servername:string])  [h@"<INSERT-SASTOKEN-HERE>  with(format="csv");
    | where event contains "memory"
    | extend x = parse_json(tostring(event))
    | extend daemon = tostring(x.daemon)
    | join kind=inner (servers) on $left.daemon = $right.servername 
    | extend y = parse_json(tostring(x.msg))
    | where toint(substring(tostring(y.memory), 0, 3)) >= 200

    In memory table

    let servers = datatable(servername:string)
    | where event contains "memory"
    | extend x = parse_json(tostring(event))
    | where x.daemon in (servers)
    | extend y = parse_json(tostring(x.msg))
    | where toint(substring(tostring(y.memory), 0, 3)) >= 200
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