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Trying to extend property with one to many relation to be able to categorize each property group. I did the extension and the migrations. all Seems to be working fine except from saving the relation in the admin panel property details page "/sw/property/detail/{id}" where I added a dropdown field using the sw-entity-single-select. Any help is appreciated. Here is my currently code:

class PropertyGroupExtension extends EntityExtension
    public function getDefinitionClass(): string
        return PropertyGroupDefinition::class;

    public function extendFields(FieldCollection $collection): void
            (new FkField(
            ))->addFlags(new ApiAware())

            (new ManyToOneAssociationField(
            ))->addFlags(new ApiAware())
class PropertyGroupCategoryDefinition extends EntityDefinition
    public const ENTITY_NAME = 'property_group_category';

    public function getEntityName(): string
        return self::ENTITY_NAME;

    public function getEntityClass(): string
        return PropertyGroupCategoryEntity::class;

    protected function defineFields(): FieldCollection
        return new FieldCollection([
            (new IdField('id', 'id'))->addFlags(new ApiAware(), new PrimaryKey(), new Required()),
            (new StringField('name', 'name'))->addFlags(new ApiAware(), new Required()),
            (new OneToManyAssociationField('propertyGroups', PropertyGroupDefinition::class, 'property_group_category_id'))->addFlags(new ApiAware()),
class PropertyGroupCategoryEntity extends Entity
    use EntityIdTrait;

     * @var string
    protected $name;

     * @var PropertyGroupCollection|null
    protected $propertyGroups;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name): void
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getPropertyGroups(): ?PropertyGroupCollection
        return $this->propertyGroups;

    public function setPropertyGroups(PropertyGroupCollection $propertyGroups): void
        $this->propertyGroups = $propertyGroups;
class Migration1726207525CreatePropertyGroupCategory extends MigrationStep
    public function getCreationTimestamp(): int
        return 1726207525;

    public function update(Connection $connection): void
            CREATE TABLE `property_group_category` (
                `id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
                `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
                `created_at` DATETIME(3) NOT NULL,
                `updated_at` DATETIME(3) NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
            ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

            ALTER TABLE `property_group`
            ADD COLUMN `property_group_category_id` BINARY(16) NULL AFTER `filterable`,
            ADD CONSTRAINT `fk.property_group.property_group_category_id` FOREIGN KEY (`property_group_category_id`)
                REFERENCES `property_group_category` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE;


and here is where i need the help. this is the admin shopware component already overridden by my plugin.

import template from './sw-property-group-detail.html.twig';
import {Component} from 'Shopware';

Component.override('sw-property-detail-base', {

    inject: ['repositoryFactory'],

    computed: {
        propertyGroupRepository() {
            return this.repositoryFactory.create('property_group');

        propertyGroupCategoryRepository() {
            return this.repositoryFactory.create('property_group_category');

    methods: {
        onChange(id) {
            this.propertyGroup.propertyGroupCategoryId = id;
            if (id) {
                this.propertyGroupCategoryRepository.get(id).then((category) => {
                    this.propertyGroup.propertyGroupCategory = category;
            } else {
                this.propertyGroup.propertyGroupCategory = null;

            console.log(this.propertyGroup) // the data is here but is not saved on click the save button. is there anything here i am missing out?


{% block sw_property_detail_base_visible_on_detail %}
    {% parent %}
            label="Group By"
            placeholder="Group By"
{% endblock %}


        <service id="MyProjectCoreContentPropertyPropertyGroupExtension">
            <tag name="shopware.entity_extension" />

        <service id="MyProjectCoreContentPropertyGroupCategoryPropertyGroupCategoryDefinition">
            <tag name="shopware.entity.definition" entity="property_group_category" />



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The reason was not working its because of the way was registered in the service definition. specifically was a typo in the tag name.

    Instead of

            <service id="MyProjectCoreContentPropertyPropertyGroupExtension">
                <tag name="shopware.entity_extension" />

    should be

            <service id="MyProjectCoreContentPropertyPropertyGroupExtension">
                <tag name="shopware.entity.extension" />

    The correct tag name for the EntityExtension is shopware.entity.extension

  2. To expand on the accepted answer:
    It’s recommended to automatically tag all classes that extend ShopwareCoreFrameworkDataAbstractionLayerEntityExtension with the tag shopware.entity.extension. This can be achieved with the following code inside the services file (this example uses a services.yaml) by using autoconfigure:

            autowire: true
            autoconfigure: true
                tags: [ shopware.entity.extension ]
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