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My Dashboard component is a arrow function as shown below

const Dashboard= (props) => { 

//users object is fetched


                Object.keys(users).forEach((key,index) => {
                    console.log("iterating------>"+users[index].name);//this is iterating
                    return  <li key={key}>hello</li>//this is not rendering


This way it is not rendering to html. Please help

Tried my best but didn’t get the expected output



  1. Use map instead of forEach and it should work

    Here’s the corrected code:

    const Dashboard = (props) => { 
    //users object is fetched
    return (
                Object.keys(users).map((key, index) => {
                    console.log("iterating------>" + users[key].name); // Log each user
                    return <li key={key}>hello {users[key].name}</li>; // Render <li> for each user

    Or use this (I prefer and use):

    const Dashboard = (props) => { 
    //users object is fetched
    return (
                Object.keys(users).map((key, index) => (
                     <li key={key}>hello {users[key].name}</li>; // Render <li> for each user

    Hope this helps…

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  2. You are using forEach inside the JSX which does not return anything. In React to render a list you should use map instead that way it returns a new array that React can render as JSX elements.
    You can use this example instead

    const Dashboard = ({ users }) => {
        return (
                {Object.keys(users).map((key) => (
                    <li key={key}>{users[key].name}</li>
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  3. <ul>{Object.values(users).map(({id, name, ...restUserProps}) => (<li key={id}>{name}</li>))}</ul>
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