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I have a HTML table generated with a <asp:GridView/> object via a VB.Net call that populates the table from a database query.

The result is a table like this:

<table id="myTab">

The javascript code is on a button :

function toggleHide(val) {
   tb = getElementById("myTab");
   if ( tb != null ) {
      trows = tb.rows;
      for ( var i = 0; i< trows.length; i++ ) {
         if ( trows[i].cells[0].innertText == val ) {
            trows[i].style.display = 'none';
         else {
            trows[i].style.display = '';
   return false;

This works well with smaller volumes of data, but once we get over 100 it simply stops processing/crashes, leaving the page blank.

I get it that accessing the DOM repeatedly like this might be slow. is there an alternative faster way?



  1. If the values inside the cells are known before-hand, and limited, @C3roe’s comment is the best solution.

    Otherwise, if you’re looking for something dynamic for any text, try this:

    • Add the cell’s contents as a data-attribute for the row during content generation.
    • Add a dynamic style to the page to hide the cells containing the given text:

    'tr[data-txt*="'+txt+'"]{ display: none; }'

    Full example and related fiddle for 10.000 rows. Try it out with any size you want:

    function initDemoData(limit=1000){
        var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        var thetable=document.createElement('table');
        for (var i=0;i<limit;i++){
            var tr=document.createElement('tr');
            var td=document.createElement('td');
            var txt = ((i%2==0)?"some text ":"other ")+i;
    function searchHandler(){
      if (window.searchTimeout){
      window.searchTimeout=window.setTimeout(function(){    //to avoid rapid filtering as you type
        var txt = document.getElementById('filterTxt').value;
        var stylesheet=document.getElementById('dynamicStyle');
        if (stylesheet){
        stylesheet.appendChild(document.createTextNode('tr[data-txt*="'+txt+'"]{ display: none; }'));  //E[foo*=something] Element where foo attribute CONTAINS something
    initDemoData(10000);  //do your tests by changing this value
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  2. You could use querySelectorAll() to get all the table rows first this will reduce your calls to DOM and make your code a lot faster.

    function toggleHide(val) {
        var tb = document.getElementById("myTab");
        if (tb !== null) {
            var trows = tb.querySelectorAll('tr');  // Use querySelectorAll to select all rows at once
            var rowCount = trows.length;
            // Cache the table rows to avoid repeated DOM access
            for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
                var rowText = trows[i].cells[0].innerText || trows[i].cells[0].textContent;  // Get text content, handling both innerText and textContent
                // Check if the row matches the value we want to hide or show
                if (rowText === val) {
                    trows[i].style.display = 'none';  // Hide matching row
                } else {
                    trows[i].style.display = '';  // Show all other rows
        return false;
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  3. It shouldn’t be that slow. I suspect that every button click iterates through all rows of the table. This is not very efficient.

    First: you can use event delegation to make handling more efficient.

    Second: use a css class for the hiding.

    Third: try limiting the number of iterations through the rows to a minimum (e.g. by using querySelectorAll and more precize css selectors).

    Here’s an example for a few scenario’s with the aformentioned in mind.

    document.addEventListener(`click`, handle);
    function handle(evt) {
      const rowClicked =`tr`);
      const hideByValue =;
      // hide with explicit cell value
      if (hideByValue) {
        const allRows = document.querySelectorAll(`#myTable tr:not(.hidden) td`);
        // Array.find iterates until found, so may be more efficient
        const cellFound = [...allRows]
          .find(cell => cell.textContent === hideByValue);
        if (cellFound) {
          const row = cellFound.closest(`tr`);
      // hide by clicking on a row
      if (rowClicked) {
        return rowClicked.classList.add(`hidden`);
      // hide even rows
      if ( === `hideEven`) {
        const rows = document.querySelectorAll(`#myTable tr`);
        return rows.forEach((row, i) => 
          row.classList[(i + 1) % 2 === 0 ? `add` : `remove`](`hidden`)
      // hide odd rows
      if ( === `hideOdd`) {
        const rows = document.querySelectorAll(`#myTable tr`);
        return rows.forEach((row, i) => 
          row.classList[(i + 1) % 2 !== 0 ? `add` : `remove`](`hidden`)
      // show all
      if ( === `showAll`) {
        return document.querySelectorAll(`#myTable tr.hidden`)
          .forEach(row => row.classList.remove(`hidden`) );
    function createDemoTable() {
      const table = Object.assign(
        {id: `myTable`} );
      for (let i=0; i<500; i+=1) {
        const row = Object.assign(document.createElement(`tr`));
          {textContent: `row ${i+1}`}) );
    #myTable {
      tr.hidden {
        display: none;
      tr {
        cursor: pointer;
      tr:hover:after {
        content: 'remove this row';
        position: absolute;
        margin-left: -0.5rem;
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 3px;
        background-color: white;
        color: red;
        border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
    <button id="hideEven">Hide even rows</button>
    <button id="hideOdd">Hide odd rows</button>
    <button id="showAll">Show all rows</button>
    <button data-value="row 42">Hide "row 42"</button>
    <button data-value="row 499">Hide "row 499"</button>
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