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This website: is having horizontal scrolling/ blank white space on either side of the content on my phone (iPhone, haven’t checked Android).

I’ve already tried body, html {overflow-x:hidden !important;max-width:100% !important} but that didn’t work.

I assume some image or element is larger than the device width but I can’t see anything breaking the layout when I look through the page elements.

I’m using Bricks Builder with WordPress if that makes a difference.

Please help me diagnose this issue.



  1. I have tested the website in desktop (Firefox) and mobile (Safari) and can’t replicate the problem. A simple overflow hidden on the html element should do it.

        overflow-x: hidden;
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  2. i`m here to save the day.
    You can write in any custom CSS tab this code:

    html, body{
        overflow-x: hidden;
        max-width: 100%;
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