I’m struggling to understand what VPC configurations are necessary to enable AWS Batch Jobs, running in a Fargate compute environment, to retrieve images from ECR.
// Create VPC
this.vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, `VPC-${props.modelContext}-${props.stageName}`, {
maxAzs: 3, // Maximum number of Availability Zones to use
natGateways: 1, // Number of NAT Gateways to use
subnetConfiguration: [
subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
name: `PublicSubnet-${props.modelContext}-${props.stageName}`,
subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_ISOLATED,
name: `PrivateSubnet-${props.modelContext}-${props.stageName}`,
// Add VPC endpoint for ECR API
this.ecrApiEndpoint = new ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpoint(
vpc: this.vpc,
service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR,
// Add VPC endpoint for ECR Docker
this.ecrDkrEndpoint = new ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpoint(
vpc: this.vpc,
service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER,
// Optionally, you can add VPC endpoint for CloudWatch Logs if you're logging in a private subnet
this.cloudwatchLogsEndpoint = new ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpoint(
vpc: this.vpc,
service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.CLOUDWATCH_LOGS,
this.securityGroup = new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, `SecurityGroup-${props.modelContext}-${props.stageName}`, {
vpc: this.vpc,
allowAllOutbound: true,
However, the error that I get is
CannotPullContainerError: The task cannot pull <image>. There is a connection issue between the task and the registry. Check your task network configuration. : failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: failed to do request: Get <image>: i/o timeout
So I’m really curious, what more could be needed to enable Tasks to pull images from ECR?
We have a Java example for this that works. That is, the Java API examples will show you how to enable AWS Batch Jobs, running in a Fargate compute environment, to retrieve images from ECR.
To get a docker image on ECR – follow this example:
To get the image from ECR to Fargate – see this example:
Make sure the task execution role (not the job role) has permissions to pull from ECR.